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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 102 - Luciferian Trans-Humanist "Vaccine" Rituals!

  - 53:30

David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative at the United Nations made a statement decades ago that people would do well to heed. He said, "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." This whole trans-humanist agenda is a Luciferian Initiation. Forget about the drama of replacing or exchanging body parts, the Covid 19 vaccine RITUAL that is about to happen will TRANSFORM the world forever into the Image of the Beast! Here’s a great opener on Trans-humanism borrowed from the website The viewpoint is not one of optimism. “Trans-humanism is Post-humanism. It is humanism with the optimism taken out, a movement that advocates for the transformation and the “advancement of humanity through technology” that runs the gamut from nanotechnology to AI. This paradigm is not limited to gadgets and medicine but also molds social, economic, cultural, institutional design, language, and the psyche. To be clear, Trans-humanism is a manufactured endpoint to human evolution… 1) Where our bodies will be augmented and sterilized in utero. 2) Where divinity is exorcised out of humanity and humanity has outgrown its usefulness. 3) Where scientists are Gods to be worshipped. 5) Where politicians are priests who dictate new laws to live by. 6) Where the more you separate yourself from your divine nature…your heart-self…the more you create something non-human.” Encyclopedia Brittanica has this statement to make about Trans-humanism which is more matter of fact. “Trans-humanism, is a social and philosophical movement devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies. Such technologies would augment or increase human sensory reception, emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans."






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