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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 178 - One Plan, One People!

  - 47:28

In this video i want to look at yet another idea that the Jesuits of Rome INFILTRATED into what was once the Protestant mainstream, which NOW no longer exists. Bill Hughes was correct when he stated that ALL protestant denominations of which there are over 3300 in the USA alone had been infiltrated and subverted by 1981, less than 20 years after the Vatican II Council. I’m referring to Christian Zionism and its offshoot beliefs, which are NOT Biblical. They are heretical and in direct opposition to what the Bible teaches on Jesus Christ as the summation of God’s eternal plan for man’s REDEMPTION and SALVATION. Any teaching supporting the CORE IDEA that the “Jews” or “Israel” as a race of people have been granted some special dispensation apart from GRACE is a LIE! Salvation is granted on the basis of FAITH working through GRACE, NOT Law, race or culture! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception Medical Freedom Alliance - Compilation Of Doctor’s Warnings Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series “Old Testament Restoration Prophecies Regarding the Nation of Israel: Literal or Symbolic?” by Benjamin L. Merkle






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August 9th 2021  

File Size: 310 MB

Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago This guy is saying your stuff is Gnosticism condemning unwitting people who got tricked to get the mark.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing! This man doesn't even mention my name in the video and it looks like he knows nothing about me. His reference to "gnosis" and that nobody KNOWS what the Mark is, is a red Flag! What he is saying is pretty wishy washy like many other channels. He doesn't "appear" to know anything about the Jesuits and their power. He also doesn't believe that people can be deceived into taking the Mark because NO ONE knows what the Mark is yet. He doesn't seem to know that the Pope is the Beast. He doesn't seem to know who the Sea and Earth Beasts are. He doesn't recognize that we are IN Tribulation now - worldwide. He seems to believe MSM reports and articles. That's a Red Flag! He seems to believe that protests worldwide will STOP this Mark INJECTION from continuing to roll out. The Jesuits have been planning for this for 100 years. They'll deal with the protesters in some way. Maybe remove their incomes and access to food and then starve them into submission. This guy really doesn't understand where we are on the prophetic timeline. By the statements he made i think he has poor spiritual discernment! Sadly, he's leading many people into "deception" about what is going on. He may not even know he's doing it! Thanks for letting me know. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

yes youtube deletes any attempt to link your stuff so people can see it. I am shadow banned. Can still see it but they just won't all any site or channel that is not "approved".


- 3 years ago has some interesting things.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

What is a big red flag to me is the huge following this guy has. As you can see they aren't worried about what he says or they would be terminating his videos but they aren't. He just talks about "EFFECTS" like most of the others and NOT the CAUSE! The HARD TRUTH is only for a few, a "Remnant." Thanks for sharing the new link. I'll check it out.


- 3 years ago  

Like wise to you brother may our most venerable Saviour open your eyes to all truth as He has done thus far. Breaking your deception is a gruelling event may yours be swift.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi Dave I have deleted your last "advertisement" on my last video. I haven't blocked you. I only object to your attempt to "solicit" an audience at my expense. You never even asked me first. That's not right! I would ask that you change your attitude and please respect my channel. You can't "destroy" light with "darkness." Your last few comments display a churlishness which is NOT of the Spirit. I urge you to Repent of this. I have spoken nothing but the truth on my channels. If you want to believe in "Heresies" that is your choice. I respectfully request that you do NOT promote them on my channel otherwise you will force me to Block you! Please consider carefully!


- 3 years ago  

It does not negate the precious work of my Lord and husband Jesus Christ. TOPIC: The 6th day adam and the 7th day Adam. Audio by David Kennedy. ... duration 1 hr. 5 minutes.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing! I'll continue to pray that God opens your eyes to the truth on this matter and delivers you from this false teaching! God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

Hi from David. I have no churlishness. I will post no links on your channel. Anything me and Pastor Don teach is totally word based. We vet everything carefully by the word. Please remember you alone are not the proprietor of the word of God. I respect your teaching on the Jesuits but in my view your knowledge of the word is the Jesuit Judeo-Christian position of which 98% of christians have as well. You have to be prepared to accept the meat of the word as well as the milk.


- 3 years ago  

Unable to edit my original comment, prompting me to expound further here. So many deceivers at every turn, Darkness Is Falling, people truly underestimate how many Judas goats there are. And for what? Deceived into thinking they serve this world's TRUE masters, and when their rule begins, they will share in their wicked glory? They'll be discarded as depicted many times in EVERY propaganda medium that has inculcated mankind. It is precisely as Jesus Christ foretold centuries ago (But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived) The understanding of the enormity of this, and its implications, weighs heavy on my soul.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great! Thanks for clarifying your first comment. I agree fully! As i shared in my video no.146 "Rats" people will turn traitor for personal gain when the pressure is on. We are in the most dangerous time in history. Non conformity - non compliance to the Mark of the Beast INJECTION will soon prove fatal for God's true "remnant." Already the un vaxxed are being scape-goated for the continuation of the Fake Virus and Pandemic. Time truly is running out fast! Stay close to Jesus. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

What's the price of a Judas kiss these days?