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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 210 - Synchronicity!

  - 1:03:52

In this video i want to look at the concept of “Synchronicity.” An online dictionary defines “synchronous” as “meaning - happening or done at the same time or speed:" Essentially it is the moving or working together of a number of people or things in unison. Applied to life it is clear that without synchrony virtually NOTHING would get done or accomplished. Most things work in a synchronous manner whether in natural or mechanical systems. This whole world and all its systems would grind to a halt without synchronicity. My question then is, knowing the absolute necessity of synchronicity, why do most Christians believe that God who made all things, somehow works differently? That he is NOT involved in his creation and in particular human beings. In fact most so called Christians do NOT believe that their belief or relationship to God requires them to do anything. How is that, when the Bible declares in every chapter that God IS involved in his creation and in his relationship with people who profess faith? Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Six Pages - 161 Videos Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Europe's loud, rule-breaking unvaccinated minority are falling out of society By Rob Picheta, CNN - Sun January 16, 2022






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January 31st 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Let's be crystal clear on the "vaccinations": They are not the Mark of The beast, as desciped in the Book of Revelation! The mRNA "vaccinations" is a tool, like the global warming nonsense, to lead the ignorant inhabitants in to further darkness. There is no doubt, that behind the scenes, the real criminals clearly is the people, institutions and governments, who uses the above tools, like the mad restrictions etc. to make everyone to obey their insane orders,whatever it will cost. On Saturday and Sunday, February 5 and 6, 2022, many individuals, so called experts, politicians etc. is sued in The International Criminal Court in Hague. It is said, that it will be possible to see it live on different digital platforms. I don't think the lawyers, who contributed to piece the indictments together understand, that even if they win the cases against Peter Daszak, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Anthony Fauci, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna, etc. the possible victories, will transform our world to the historical time, written in the Bible, when there will be a brief/short time, to bring the message of God and His Kingdom to everyone. A window of opportunity, to let all mankind understand, that we truly is living in The End Time and they have a choice. The choice is not about the "vaccines", because they didn't and don't understand the evilness behind the "Covid19" fantasy. We now see more and more inhabitants understand, that they have been fooled and this is the moment, it's possible to reach out to tell the real message from Heaven. We know, that all the insanity that happens now, is the fight about our souls, just before the real lockdown of the Heavenly forgiveness will be forever gone. The Mark of the beast is very well described in the Bible and it's the sign of The Creator: It's written in the ten commandments and His Son kept the commandment! The Catholic Church changed the commandment, not by divinity - but only caused by their selfmade delusional thought(given by the devil), that they had and have this power to change the commandments.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great to hear from you! I'm sad to see that you are so confused about what is happening. The CV19 series of vaxxine INJECTIONS is NOT a vaccine but a genetic Bio-Weapon. It IS the Mark Of The Beast whether you want to believe it or not. Anyone who takes it to, "Save their Lives" will die. I have explained this in over 150 videos. Anyone who REFUSES to take it will also DIE! That is coming. YOU will have to make a choice soon. The time for Revival is long gone. We are NOW living in the time of Judgement. It is 2 Thessalonians 2:11 time and the "Strong Virus Delusion" is here now and sent by God to Damn all those who have rejected the gospel which has gone out into all the world many times over the last 500 years. I would suggest that you watch this whole video series from No.1 to No. 223. Then you will truly understand WHAT is going on and WHO is behind it. Until then, i don't think you have enough Bible understanding to be telling people what the story is! The ideas in your writing are confusing! That is NOT of God! He is "NOT the author of confusion but of peace in all the churches of the saints." 1 Corinthians 14:33 God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

I was watching some Mr E videos as you recommended them in an older presentation. He has gone offline for a while as he probably got threatened but who knows? I can hardy believe that God has such amazing patience for these transformers. I also had a look at the Lamp in the Dark channel with their 1611 stuff which gives some great historical information. They steer clear of any corona stuff however. Curious.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Mr E had 2 channels pulled down in 2019/20. I was able to copy a few before it happened. There are a couple of channels on YT that have "mirrored" some of his videos. He exposed the whole tranny celebrity psy-op very effectively. Opened many people's eyes to the truth of what's going on. Lamp In The Dark doc is very good for newbies coming to the truth. Most of these channels will NOT touch the RC Cult and their fake virus/vaccine medical inquisition with a ten foot pole. They are cowards most of them. They are hiding the truth of the Beast from everyone. I've had a YT channel terminated and many videos pulled but i determined by the grace of God to keep going and NOT give up. The darkness was/is so great! How could i stand before God one day knowing i had not done what i was supposed to do? Sadly, i am pretty much alone doing what i do. Most channels are diverting people away from the cold hard truth! God bless you!