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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 269 - Simulacrum!

  - 1:50:50

In this video i want to look at the current REVIVAL phenomenon occurring in Kentucky in the USA and being heavily promoted online. What on Earth is going on here? What does REVIVAL mean anyway? What is it? The word REVIVE carries a few different meanings. It means both “bring back to life AND to refresh!” HOW does it apply historically to this time in which we live when more than 80% of Americans and world citizens have been INJECTED with the Mark of the Beast. WHO is being REVIVED anyways? I thought from the scriptures that the Word of God preached by Evangelists to the UNSAVED followed by SIGNS and WONDERS was the method God had ordained for the expansion of his Kingdom. Since when did events called REVIVALS take precedence over the pattern laid down in God’s Word? Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Ten Pages - 278 Videos New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series - 6 Pages 278 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3






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Uploaded a year ago  

February 19th 2023  

File Size: 484 MB

Category: How To & Education



- a year ago  

VIDEO - Holocaust Survivor Describes Startling Parallels Between Nazi Germany and Government COVID Policies ----


- a year ago  

And lets say it for what it is - that the Baptist church is a cult, just like the Methodist. The Baptist cult denies the 'Gospel of the Kingdom' (raising the dead, open the eyes of the blind etc.)- but they love knowledge and the washing of the feet! They deny the git of tongues - I wonder how many are actually saved in that cult! And lets not forget during the 70's it was the Southern Baptists (most of whose pastors are Freemasons) that too money from the Catholic whore to promote and use the NIV as their main church bible (which is exactly the same as the Jehovah (witches) Witnesses New World Translation, which is the same as the Catholic Douay-Rheims). This how the NIV, a satanic witches doctrine made it way into the church at large around the world - but it was Baptists that took money and opened the door to this false Christ. I've known many Christians who use it and they stand where they are and never move forward - even after ten years - no growth at all -


- a year ago  

MARK OF THE BEAST - I have spoken with a number of people in the last week who are in their senior years and have taken upto at three Covid-19 vaccines and they are all complaining that they have 'slowed down' and are refusing to take any more, for this reason. This can only mean the bio-weapon is clogging up their heart arteries.


- a year ago  

BILL GRAHAM - a real 'son of a bastard' - here is some info I picked up on him over the years (1) He was a 33 Freemason and from the onset his ministry was pushed and promoted by Freemasons [to get to the 33 degree he would have sacrifced a child] (2) He was not saved, but one of the highest level illuminato satanist in the world - the highest level satanist in the world must be at the forefront of the Christian church, this is mandatory - darkness/light, good/evil - most US presidents were vetted by him before being selected - he was in Poland in the church of Pope John Paul II when he was selected to be pope, Graham was the one who told him he had become the next Pope [Pope John Paul II used to teach Polish factory children and had multiple accusations made by polish factory workers against him claiming he had raped their children] (3) Graham is MkUltra - he was wife noted he always slept with his eyes open - a trait of MkUltra victims - the church is full of these people sent out to destroy her [Graham himself has been documented by Frize Springmeier to have been involved in child rape and trauma based mind control of children via MKultra programs throughtout his life] (4) A Christian/pastor once sat alone with Graham in his hotel room, explaining the new world order and Graham told him that he was part of this NWO and was actively working to bring it about (5) When Graham visited Russia during the communist era, persecuted Russian Christains sought in vain to contact him to ask him to help their suffering but Graham did all he could to avoid them and left without seeing any of them (6) Derek Prince remarked when he was a pastor in London, he had helped out at one of Grahams rallies and was sent 9 people who had made a decision for Christ, but he said they were so much work becasue none were actually saved and in the end after a lot of work they only managed to hold into two but with alot of exhausting work [Graham regularly sent those who made a decsion for Christ to Catholic churchs].

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Josh! Thanks for sharing this info about Graham and it's all true. Sadly, most people will never come to this understanding and will have been destroyed by this powerfully influential "Judas" goat. God bless you!


- a year ago  

Well said brother William, deep calls to deep. Your assessment was exactly what I thought when I heard about this. The 6 minute snippet confirmed it; no fire from the pastor, wishy washy, peppered with worldly references and platitudes, worldly gospel music, cheering, wooping, hollering. I didn't see any repentance or godliness. Thank you brother, I pray your as healthy in body as you are strong in Spirit. God bless you and your family!

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Ben! Great to hear from you. I am well thank you and so grateful for it. Without health i could not do this. The darkness and deception everywhere is deep. This event in the USA is ominous. It's a signal for something about to happen as well as a distraction from the Beast's main game. Stand strong in Faith and may God bless you richly!


- a year ago  

Your memory is amazing. I have decided to self baptize as you suggested. I’ve prayed about it and studied the articles on your website. I feel I am ready and have decided to get baptized tomorrow, Tuesday. I’m excited.

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Wonderful! Great decision. Remember; full immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Ask Jesus to fill you also with the Holy Spirit at that time. God bless you. I'll be praying for you.


- a year ago  

This video was very informative and food at the proper time. I was wondering what to make of this new phenomena taking place in Kentucky. Thank you for bringing up this subject. As you mentioned it came up all of a sudden and caught the attention of MSM. Apparently there was a 'revival' at this same university on February 3, 1970 which also caught the attention of the MSM. (see Gospel of Christ channel YT entitled 'You wouldn't believe if this was not recorded'). Seems to be a pattern at this facility. William I am so blessed by your videos. I have learnt so much in such a short time. I have communicated with you via email (from DK) and now finally got my computer skills in order so I can write comments. I pray God continue to bless you and your ministry.

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Well hello and welcome! So glad to see you on here. I'm glad that you are able to make sense of what is happening. There is so much deception it is frightening. The Jesuits are very skilled deceivers and have written an alternative history. Most people have no idea. Be skeptical of everything in the MSM. It appears that the Marked everywhere will soon have technological help via the "airwaves" to join everyone spiritually in ecumenical "Oneness." Be sober and watchful. Things are moving quickly. What will you do about water baptism? Please stay in touch. I'm so glad to hear that the messages are helping you. God bless you richly!


- a year ago  

Ukraine - dead being raised to life :

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Thanks Josh! Amazing duplicity! Rising from the dead indeed! God bless and thanks for sharing!