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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 81 - James Bond 007 Licence To Kill

  - 43:58

James Bond 007 is a movie character that looms large in the minds of the masses! Few people understand that Bond is a metaphor for the Jesuit Superior General or "Black Pope." The standard narrative of good guy beating the bad guys is always present but is a deception. In order to understand Hollywood films the story MUST be inverted because "occult" understanding results in a covert "good is bad and bad is good" narrative! James Bond is a metaphor for BOTH the Jesuit Superior General AND the Masonic governmental system. There is NO good guy. The bad guys (ROME) are waging war against the GOOD in order to brainwash and propagandize the minds of men. Every evil is legitimized in the character of Bond in order for him to achieve his goals. This is the epitome of the Jesuit maxim "The end justifies the means." The Jesuits do whatever is necessary to achieve world control because they have a "License To Kill." They are the Vatican Assassins and are responsible for every war, revolution and genocide in the last 500 years. The Jesuits are creating their Luciferian "Kingdom Of Sin." James Bond is the direct representation of the Jesuit Order deceiving people into thinking that all is well with the world NOW and into the future because there are heroes like Bond behind the scenes keeping society safe from the bad guys. Nothing could be further from the truth. An endless "avalanche" of spy movies since the 60's have dumbed down the public into the "illusory" perception that heroes exist. They don't! No one is coming to save YOU or ME! The only truth is, the whole world is controlled by Rome and Jesus Christ is the only one who can save us from the darkness that is falling! Learn more at: Harry Saltzman - Spy The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 22C - The Jesuit strategies: Propaganda, Pred Progr & Psy-Ops






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