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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 103 - Beware Of "False" Christs!

  - 1:01:51

In this video I want to present the MOST IMPORTANT message there is! Finding and knowing the REAL Lord Jesus Christ! This video is primarily for those who call themselves “Christian.” I’ll try to cut through all the false ideas about Jesus Christ and RE-PRESENT him the way the Bible does. The Jesuits and their Masonic false Protestant teachers disguised as servants of God have so CLOUDED the true Christ of the Bible that most professing Christians today don’t know who he is or what he taught. In fact if they met Jesus today in person they would most likely treat him the same way the religious people of his day did - with contempt and derision! We are living in such a dark and godless time! The irony of this situation is that we also live in a time of the greatest information explosion in history and with the internet the greatest accessibility to the Bible ever experienced by any generation. However, people are lazy and will listen to men rather than go to the Word of God and learn from God for themselves. This generation has more religious people running around after celebrity speakers than any previous generation. The Jesuits have turned Christianity into a Roman CIRCUS and capitalized on human laziness providing TV, entertainment and Masonic education to dumb down and deceive what were once Bible living and believing peoples worldwide. Most people today have little to no idea about God’s commands and righteous requirements. Who Is the REAL Jesus Christ? The Old Testament prophetically declared Jesus Christ to be God and when he came HE also declared himself to be God! Learn more at: Watch Video 100 - DJT Free Documents & URL’s How To Get Saved And Become A Christian The Roman Catholic Mark Of The Beast






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