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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 101 - Revelation 13: Who Are The 2 "Beasts?"

  - 1:02:03

Dear viewer, we are living in very serious times. It really is the end of all things! The Dragon is making war against the truth. The battle is escalating. Just yesterday my video no.100 exposing the DJT psy-op was pulled down by You Tube for somehow violating their community guidelines. I was accused of propagating spam with a scam and deceptive practices. Looks like i hit a Roman nerve! Of course this is the Jesuit controlled CIA censoring any truth about DJT prior to the fake American elections. I’m slightly flattered that my small channel should attract the attention of the CIA juggernaut however for the limited exposure I get, it’s unwarranted. This demonstrates to you how carefully the internet is monitored and tracked. This is now the 3rd video pulled down by You Tube off my channel. I want to thank all of you that visited and subscribed because of video 100 because it drew more than 430 views in just over 24 hours. Thank you for your support and encouragement in this fight for the truth. It is very clear that exposes’ on American politics will NOT be tolerated at this time by the Jesuits as they dismantle their American kingdom. The Jesuits do not want anything to upset their Beast Empire apple cart project! As i spend time foraging across social media it becomes very apparent to me sadly that most people have no idea what is happening worldwide and even more alarmingly, Christians have no idea who their enemy is and what that enemy has planned for them. This is in spite the scriptures telling us who and what to expect. People in both groups have been so dumbed down and anaesthetized by Satan’s Luciferian kingdom of darkness they can’t read the warning signs of the times. God’s great “Delusion” has enveloped both groups because they are “Idolaters” living for the world and a host of false gods! Understanding the visions described in Daniel chapters 2 and 7 and Revelation chapter 13 is absolutely key to recognizing who the enemy is!






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March 10th 2021  

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