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Kompilasi FaktaSaja



Vaccine Injury: 12 yrs old daughter of pro-Vax family 😢

  - 3:36






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June 30th 2021  

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- 2 years ago  

The injections kill your tapeworm, blood fluke and end worm diseases. The toxic deadly bacteria dieing and dead worms release and become causes illness far worse than the worm disease itself. She was an unhealthy wormbag with asymptomatic worm diseases before biological stressors starting MAKEING her diseases very sick. Your in the medical industry and you know this Jew pig your acting sucks too pig


- 3 years ago  

GOD DONT MAKE JUNK, FAITH ZIPPO, do homework first, see what you did to that child. Tv brainwashed you


- 3 years ago  

Volunteering for an experiment has no retribution. Crying will not change a thing.


- 3 years ago  

I know a friend of a friend that took the jab, as they were eating breakfast with friends one friend read about what was in the shot and asked if she would place a small magnet to the place where she had the jab. Well what happened ! the magnet stuck to her arm.

Action ?

- 3 years ago  

Sorry for you but you could have informed yourself better. Anyone still thinks getting the jab is sexy? (like many twitter)


- 3 years ago  

Parents should have to go to school and graduate before having a child. Any person knows you do not take any form of medicine without full knowledge of what it is. She's a failure at being a Mother, but I've seen Mothers like that before. Like standing on the street corner while the child's carriage is still in the street.


- 3 years ago  

You get what you deserve. A husband that works in the medical field who denies the ability of the immune systems is a brain washed imbecile. Pro Vaccine is complete ignorance. Mankind was created with a remarkable body capable of healing itself. In fact man has survived for thousands of years without man made profit jabs called vaccines. How does it feel to use your children as guinea pigs?


- 3 years ago  

I feel very bad for them. All the “pro science” people are not thinking for themselves unfortunately. I will not take it, all along I question why we need a vaccine for kids especially since the data from the beginning showed they have a 99.99 chance of surfing the virus. Then the heavy handed censorship of anyone with a different opinion and the FDA has not approved these except for emergency use. I am the only one in my workplace to not take it and they even told me “don’t be one of those”. I see lemmings running off the cliff, I don’t see rational people who believe in science.

Action ?

- 3 years ago  

well they all have access to internet and could have informed themselves better. They wanted to be lab rats and probably forced the jab on all so called al "conspiracy thinkers" by calling them fools. said enough still feel somewhat sorry for them. but they had it their way...gamblers


- 3 years ago  

She's a liar and now has to watch her family die, and they all will slowly, painfully. And so will the media and every democrat, but worst of all the innocent and uninformed. Do you best to warn everyone. Do your worst to those lying to the masses. Opportunity is key.


- 3 years ago  

Both you and your husband are educated medical professionals, and you let your kids participate in a human guineapig experiment? Despite all the publicity available regarding the dangers of these barbaric vaccines, you let it happen anyway - to your own child! I'm only a dumb old retired miner but even I realised very early in the piece that ALL the vaccines in this program are fatally dangerous, and resolved that I will do anything, absolutely anything, to prevent anyone administering one of them to me. I'm not an antivaxer per se, but everything about these Wuflu vaccines screams a warning that only a total retard would ignore. I feel desperately sorry for your daughter but I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You are a fool of the first order!


- 3 years ago  

Well said.


- 3 years ago  

Being pro-vaccine and proscience are completely contradictory, as if one is pro-vaccine it literally means a person has not looked at the opposing point of view at all. Anyone who examines the data for vaccines inevitably comes to the conclusion that they don't work, the actually caused the spread of disease, and they certainly are not responsible for eliminating any disease or infection as they were all introduced after the incidence of childhood diseases had gone down by 80% to 90%. It might surprise most people to know that no matter what condition a patient comes to them with they never do about cenation history on a patient.