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Kompilasi FaktaSaja



Dr Byram Bridle: Censorship & Slander of Canadian Doctors & Scientists

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Uploaded 3 years ago  

June 30th 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

This man is a worldwide hero. It is thanks to him and the few people like him that our human species has at least a small chance of surviving and evolving into a higher plane of evolutionary status. Truth and great bravery are necessary to make that great evolutionary step. It's been shocking for me to see that the vast majority of people on our planet are little more than sniveling cowards! Do we even deserve another chance? If not for the fact that there are a handful of brave and honest individuals like this man, and of course millions of innocent children still untainted by the societal mental illness we learn to call "sanity," I'd thumb my nose at the whole human species! I want no part of this cowardly corrosion and murder of a majority of the human population by a smaller group of spoiled elite trash! If not for heroes like that doctor, I'd lose all hope for our species! We must ground ourselves in the TRUTH and actively and openly support TRUTH! That is our only hope. We need lots of free speaking truth tellers to raise up their voices and speak out loudly! Then We Need To Listen. Finally, we must pick up our speak up ourselves and echo the truth everywhere! It's not been done in our lifetimes, but it must be done now! We must speak with our voice, our money and our body as well. We must put everything we are behind this war against truth! If we fail, then human civilization fails, and the actual Dark Age begins! Winter is Coming


- 3 years ago  

By the time these vaccines came out, it was well known that this coronavirus posed no threat to life 99.9% of people, so how was it okay to deploy this vaccine to adult even based on assumptions that they were safe? I appreciate doctors like him speaking out now, but he and others should have been speaking out a long time ago about the benign nature of this virus for nearly everyone.


- 3 years ago  

It is not only an egregious act to release a person's medical information, it is an illegal act and charges should be brought forward. In my job, I work with medical charts, and if I'm found to be even looking at a patient's chart without justification I would be subject to reprimand up to and including job loss. For a doctor to have been found to have actually released medical information to the public, he should have his medical license removed because he has engaged in a serious breach of trust and the law.