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HAARP - Angels Still Don't Play This Harp

  - 1:18:01

Sourced of - MessageTV - Dajjal (The Antichrist) will order clouds to rain and they will shower rain. It will be a time of swarms of earthquakes. HAARP is that technology. Freemasons,the group of Dajjal, have mastered it. Are they using it right now? Dr. Nick Begich explains it. MessageTV Official Social Media Accounts Facebook: Twitter: Telegram: Email: [email protected] Web site: Satellite Channel: MessageTv Satellite frequency AsiaSat-3S, 105.5°E Downlink Freq: 3752MHz, V-Pol ,Symbol Rate:2331MS/s






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February 15th 2023  

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Category: News

1 Comment


- a year ago  

Since 2006 when this was presented, we have learnt from " blue water bay" that the earth is flat and there is a dome that contains the atmosphere over that flatness. All the effects the haarp can produce are achieved by bouncing those radio waves off the dome . Being a dome means that the reflected power can be directed to any spot on the surface we live on ( same principal as a point of light producing the beam of a car headlight but reversed. The beam is presented to the domed surface to produce a focused point of energy). Also by spraying solids that can be heated , into the air high , the heated particles can transfer heat to the air and effect high pressure zones that can push masses of water saturated air to cause floods. So from the testimony here we see they can make earthquakes ( tidal waves being of like kind); droughts/ floods by inconjunction with spraying particulates in the sky. If you want to live a citizen on the earth when God recreates it you have to by asking for grace from God to keep His ten commandments from now until you die. There is no life after death ,but all are raised back to life in one of two resurrection events (so there is no avoiding an after death encounter with God). On the new earth a recalcitrant transgressor is exterminated by Jesus before any damage is done to society . The first recalcitrant transgressor was Lucifer who using the means of half truth and innuendo to aggrandize himself caused detriment to the peace of society as he did . Angels have the ability to present thoughts to our minds ( Gabriel,make this man to Daniel). Whilst God's angels only do as directed by God,for they are His messangers; Lucifer and his angels use this ability of their own choosing. Their goal is to mock God by growing self centerdness in the individuals that are the descendants of Adam. Adam who had dominion of the earth ,gave authority to Lucifer to have free access of all the earth when he ate of the forbidden tree. All that has and will transpire from humanity accepting the influence of Lucifer's angels is to be kept as an eternal record to justify the early intervention that must be done ,if the peace of society is to be protected from recalcitrant transgressors. Jesus being equal with God our Father ,means He is able to see the thoughts and intents of the heart so judgment that requires the extermination of a recalcitrant transgressors is just in that new earth society. If you want to live in a world of commandment keepers you must demonstrate in this life a willingness to be one. On the new earth where the total population come forth in the first resurrection event , each is given a land allocation . The living that we do by our flesh and blood existence we will do there. Each of us will continue to be free moral agents and have the responsibility of seeking God's grace for a change of heart's intent when we see ourselves becoming contrary to one of the ten commandments.