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GSH for Life




  - 18:26

ICC APPLICATION TO THE COURT Misprision of Treason : THIS IS WHY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS WORK The govt isn't upset their employees broke the rules, they're upset they got caught. They have utterly lost the consent of the governed after 2 years of fraud. Everybody is furious here in Britain. Follow the United Kingdom and USA, the world's great freedom allies putting global gangsters on trial again. Criminal investigations are underway. Nuremberg 2.0 is trending for spring. Now is the time to push hard everyone and bring this charade down.






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January 17th 2022  

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GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Crimes being cited are: Misfeasance in public office, misconduct in public office, conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, conspiracy to administer a poisonous and noxious substance to cause serious harm and death, gross negligence manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, corruption, fraud, blackmail, murder, conspiracy to commit murder, terrorism, genocide, torture, crimes against humanity, false imprisonment, multiple breaches of our human rights, war crimes, multiple breaches of the Nuremberg Code 1947, multiple breaches of the human rights act 1998, and treason will be added to that list a little down the line. The worlds largest criminal investigation. It is now underway, it is just beginning. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.


- 2 years ago  

Did you notice the police officer's Body Language? He is leaning away from the woman presenting. He want to get away from her immediately. Did you see the police look at his watch while she was talking? He not really listening to her sincerely. He is leaning slump on another chair for psychological support. He holds his left hand in front of himself. He is protecting his organs which means he is extremely uncomfortable about what the woman is providing. He is a one of the criminals making crime against humanity. This was a Dilettante Presumption Theorem: All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed do not necessarily reflect official positions or views or any other entity, past or present. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying endorsement of interpretations and factual statements.

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Yes I have analyzed his body language. These officers will pay with their own lives if they continue down that path of denial and still support the corrupt government along with the pharmaceutical cartels.


- 2 years ago  

Did you notice the police officer's Body Language? He is leaning away from the woman presenting. He want to get away from her immediately. Did you see the police look at his watch while she was talking? He not really listening to her sincerely. He is leaning slump on another chair for psychological support. He holds his left hand in front of himself. He is protecting his organs which means he is extremely uncomfortable about what the woman is providing. He is a one of the criminals making crime against humanity. This was a Dilettante Presumption Theorem: All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed do not necessarily reflect official positions or views or any other entity, past or present. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying endorsement of interpretations and factual statements.

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago ---> EDITORIAL COMMENTARY VS. INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM DIGITAL DATA IS THE NEW MONEY IN CANADA CRIMES FOR HELP FROM THE SURVEILLANCE STATE SCULPTED ---> More "MEDIA DATA CRIME" evidence for my ICC crime Application, The Hague. Make sure you are properly dressed before you read this. Conform. No independant thought allowed. Definitely no nudity or touching yourself. The main accomplice who brought The Reset into Canada for Trudeau hidden in the back of a fake health emergency getaway van, was colluded media shareholders that peddle COMMENTARY to the public over journalism grooming naive Canadians into compliance. Editors who force feed us their false authority using free access to our phones. Stay home. Stay safe. Who cares if Grandma's heart is breaking from loneliness, she's got a ventilator to keep her company. She's got BC public health to hear her cries. My old fave truth speaking irreverent media brand The Georgia Straight has finally sold out to tyranny. Follow the rules. Sanitize. Comply. Put your shoes on, scan your forehead, sit behind the plexiglass. The days of getting stoned at a Wreck Beach bonfire and watching the sunset are over folks, big brother Vancouver is watching you and The Georgia Straight is selling him your clicks and views. Obey. No alternate opinions allowed. Your credit score will drop. Canada has fallen so low since I grew up in the 70's in our intellectual standards that media data brands owned by huge corporations are perceived to be journalists. Those of us who insist on intellectual debate will be quarantined and forced to watch CBC with our masks on. If you pull it down over your nose you will be put in isolation like I was. Comply. Don't think. Obey. It's easier and less humiliating. DO NOT QUESTION THE GOVERNMENT THEY WANT TO PROTECT YOU. When I asked a Global news reporter over a wonderfully cold Molson in a motel parking lot outside Lytton what his fire crime theory was, he stood up called me a conspiracy theorist and took his burger and beer into his bedroom and slammed the door. Killed the party let's just say. It felt like we were at one of my kids birthday parties and the birthday boy just lost a round of pin the tail on the donkey. His camera man told me I hurt his feelings. I told him when he finished crying he could borrow my foundation to get camera ready but that didn't go down so well. My friend and I went and got drunk on the bridge instead. The RCMP investigation later revealed the Lytton fires were in fact crime. I was right. This is not journalism in The Straight. It's COMMENTARY. It says so at the top. The Straight was recently bought by MEDIA CENTRAL CORPORATION (Terrifying? Comical? Both?) who identifies as: "Media for the Free Generation. We are built to influence, absorb and exploit momentum from emerging trends by targeting the tastemakers who are responsible for sculpting culture, disrupting traditional lifestyles and influencing policies on a global scale." Influencing policies on a global scale, isn't that treason? Def no doobies on the beach at their staff picnics. Exploit. Target. Sculpt. Influence. The thought police have captured Kitsilano. No biking without a helmet. Mandatory yoga. Be careful reading 'media' in Canada anymore. Mostly it's curated content printed to drive revenue from back end data analytics. Ask the CEO of Toronto Star, he calls the brand a DATA company now after its $60 Million acquisition by Jordan Bitove and Paul Rivett in 2020. A trusted media brand purchased at the height of the biggest criminal heist in history. Now there's a story for a REAL journalist. The Pandemic Profit Papers. Catchy. Coming to an independent judiciary near you! Watch your data or you might make a Canadian journalist cry. They don't make em like they used to. Data about you, what turns you on and how media shareholders can get their hands on all your money. It's a heist. Do not comply or you might end up exploited, targeted, influenced and sculpted. COMMENTARY by Susan Standfield, written in exile. 🇨🇦 SS

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Dr. Hoffe - Lytton, British Columbia, Canada - 9:28 Dr. Hoffe— of coincidentally destroyed (burned to the ground) Lytton, British Columbia, Canada—explains the D-dimer test and his discovery that 62% of his jabbed patients are developing blood clots. This will cause high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks within 3 years. With each successive shot, the damage will add and add. Each shot contains 40 trillion mRNA molecules.

GSH for Life

- 2 years ago  

Lytton Is The New Paradise - 9:01