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GSH for Life



Dr. Terry Tillart PhD - Quackery Vs. Medicine

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Category: How To & Education


GSH for Life

- 3 years ago The Leon Show - Dissolving Illusions


- 3 years ago  

Who in their right mind would be talked into eating shit 😂

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

Many would when they don't know how they got their microbiome destroyed in the first place...


- 3 years ago  

The Nature Of Things - It Takes Guts They don't put it in your throat, they put it in your bottom end. Watch this video and you will see how and why the process works. I only do natural path type medicine and don't trust modern Dr.s at all. There are a couple good ones but not many. C-section births and heavy antibiotics when young are what cause most gut issues in the first place. They destroy the stomach enzymes and never recover. Replacing them with fecal matter from a health digestive system that has been screen for disease is a fast and easy way to rebuild them for a healthy life. Your video Dr. Tillart is only half researched and shows why Dr.s are not to be trusted. You shot down a very safe and effective way of recovery. Shame on you.

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

I think you forgot to mention the heavy vaccination intake at such a young age and in the adult population. The antibiotic eye drops at birth, the hep B vaccine and synthetic vitamin k shot (with several black box warnings) that many parents don't know about. The demonization of breast feeding to only give genetically modified organisms through baby milk formulas that are saturated (like our global food supply) with RoundUp aka Glyphosate based herbicides that are patented to kill the weeds and also as a broad spectrum antibiotic application killing the living cells in our microbiome / gut. If you want to rectify a problem and adjust health, one must first go to the root cause in order to solve the many problems of our broken health(sick)care. There is nothing good in the hospitals, no tests, no pharmaceutical drugs (unless in a severe state of emergency), the vaccines are destroying the gut and our immune systems, the nurses are quite evil when they participate and do the dirty work for the doctors, sneaking the babies and forcefully injecting the infants behind parents back and calling CPS when they refuse to cooperate in Medical Dictatorship, Tyranny. This is disgusting to take excrements and trying to repair the microbiome and overall digestive issues with shit! This is not the way. Either by the anus or down the throat, both are wrong. Mr Suzuki is quite a bias scientific fool, he sure knows about pesticides and how they affect human health.... He even has a hard time, to acknowledge how geoengineering and weather modification programs from corrupt elites and governments are contaminating our air, water, soil and food supply..... Makes me wonder if he cares at all, instead promotes ''healthy'' fecal donors to insert (which ever route of insertion) in people who are destroyed and sick by this corrupt system! Sorry! Doesn't work with me and naturopathic care does not include these ridiculous methods of recovering the microbiome. Look at the food they serve in hospitals.... Meat raised with hormones/antibiotics and GMO feed with glyphosate, same with the vegetables. Not fresh local or greenhouse grown food with no contaminates.... They purposely destroy the gut and now you will tell me this is a valid reason to use fecal matter and reinsert it in the people who are sick in the first place by the system? GET OUT OF HERE! hahaha

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

"Breast milk is an organ. It's basically the immune system of a baby. It's how the intestines grow properly, it's how the baby's immune system grows properly, and it's an overlying blanket of protection for that baby against all the microbes that we're told we need to vaccinate for... The reason being because a baby's immune system is programmed to be anti-inflammatory. So what do vaccines do? Vaccinologists say, well, we have a problem... that baby's immune system is dormant, it's not doing what it should do, we need to rev it up with aluminum and with vaccination. And that goes completely against the blueprint. ... They have to [put aluminum in] because if you were to put a vaccine into a baby without aluminum that baby's immune wouldn't respond at all because the program of the infant immune system is to be anti-inflammatory... Everything about that infant immune system is programmed from the time of birth or slightly after birth to stay anti-inflammatory for the first two years. So anything you do to rev up that baby's immune system is going against the natural God-given blueprint in that baby. ... [Breast milk] is beyond good, and they are still discovering... you know, National Institutes of Health scientists in 2013 are still saying they have a lot to learn about breast milk. They're finding molecules in breast milk that nuke cancer on the spot, and oncology is now taking advantage of that. There are molecules in break milk that kill certain kinds of bacteria that have capsules on the outside like pneumococcus, which is another thing that we vaccinate for. But what's miraculous about it is that normally when there's killing of a microbe there's massive inflammation, but in the presence of break milk there's almost no inflammation, because you have all those anti-inflammatory molecules... So you have this miraculous organ that's transferring over hundreds of thousands of T-cells, stem cells in breast milk to help that baby grow, re-grow anything that went wrong. You have genetic material that can go in and intersperse in that baby's own genetic material and cure genetic diseases. There's medical literature showing that wet nurses can cure genetic certain instances. ... What they found, I believe this study was done in the Middle East, is that, with certain genetic disorders, that if a woman who doesn't have that disorder, breastfeeds a baby, her genetic material, called microRNA, can go in there and cure that problem. Now, I'm not saying that it cures all genetic diseases. But I'm saying that there are programs in breast milk that we're only starting to really understand." — Suzanne Humphries, MD

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago David Suzuki Confronted On Climate Engineering Issue