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Democrats in 2018 saying everything Mike Lindell says about voting machines

  - 2:05

Voting fraud is older than most ANTIFA/BLM terrorists. United States 1792 New York gubernatorial election – The Federalist Party candidate John Jay received more votes than the Democratic-Republican Party candidate George Clinton, but on technicalities, the votes of Otsego, Tioga and Clinton counties were rejected, giving George Clinton a slight majority in the official result. 1824 United States presidential election - John Quincy Adams became President after winning a contingent election in the House of Representatives due to the absence of an absolute majority in the Electoral College, despite the fact that Andrew Jackson (who would win the 1828 presidential election) won a plurality of the popular and electoral vote. Bleeding Kansas election, March 30, 1855 – An election to decide whether Kansas should be a free state or a slave state involved massive immigration to sway the vote and resulted in post-election violence, including a severe beating of a US Senator by a Congressman. The events it encompasses directly presaged the American Civil War. (See Kansas–Nebraska Act) 1876 United States presidential election – One of the most disputed and controversial presidential elections in American history between the Democratic Party's candidate Samuel J. Tilden and the Republican Party's candidate Rutherford B. Hayes was resolved by the Compromise of 1877, which allowed Hayes to become president in exchange for the end of Reconstruction and the withdrawal of all federal troops stationed in the South after the American Civil War. Although it is generally agreed that Tilden won a majority of the popular vote, the results of the electoral vote continue to be disputed. 1888 United States presidential election - The incumbent Democrat President Grover Cleveland won the popular vote, but Benjamin Harrison won the electoral vote. Cleveland would be re-elected in 1892. 1891 New York State Senate election in Dutchess County 1948 United States Senate election in Texas - Lyndon






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