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The Masonic Takeover of The World - A Warning From A Rome Priest

  - 10:02






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

February 6th 2021  

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Category: News

1 Comment


- 3 years ago  

Wind the clock back and pretend we believe the catholic narrative of we verse them .the Catholics as opposed to them the fremasons,and the ensuing years revealed the reality was hand and glove with the Catholics being the hand and the freemasons being the glove. Let's forget all that now and pretend the the 1950 narrative. IF you want to be a citizen on the earth made new by God you must keep the ten commandments as expressed in exodus chapter 20. In the new earth anyone who lives as though the ten commandments don't apply to them are exterminated by Jesus who rules with a rod( the ten commandments) of iron( the authority of the law). There is no police force of any description there, military, judicial......only Jesus.Everyone is expected to regulate their lives to the ten commandments and to seek grace from God the Father for a change of heart when intent runs contrary to His will. We must demonstrate our willingness by living like that now.Surely the tenth commandment gives us authority over our own bodies. If the choices I make for my own body cause a premature death for another because they have out of a regard for God's commandments given me the right to sovereignty over my own body then surely God will include that person in the first resurrection group who go onto enjoy an endless life because access to the tree of life has been restored.