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The Agenda 21 Plan Explained.

  - 4:58

I will be frank and biased on this description. EVERYTHING THAT IS SYSTEMATICALLY AGAINST NATURE IS SATANIC in it’s Roots. I whole hearted believe this is what this Agenda 21 is.






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April 24th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

I hate to say this, but you cannot even begin to think you'll win against something like this. They have been planning it for so long. They have almost unlimited resources. The only way we can win is by divine intervention. I don't exactly believe in a god so where does that leave me? Maybe some benevolent aliens will interrupt their plans at the last minute. Otherwise, it's basically just live in as much denial as possible to get by.


- 2 years ago  

It’s ok if you don’t believe in God. The way we’ve been taught is very Confusing. Even ppl raised in the Church. I’ve been reading the lost books of the Essenes( Jesus’s actual ppl). Yes he was from Judeah but there was no Jewish religion back then. He followed the Essene Way! They understand Energy and How man TRULY WAS CREATED. They talked of the Soul as being Eternal and need many lifetimes to Perfect. It’s really too much to explain in this remark but I suggest Try Reading those books but I will tell you, THEY ARE NOT CHEAP. I’ve come to understand there is a FORCE ON EARTH of Pure Evil that wishes for us to NEVER LEARN WHO WE TRULY ARE. because they feed on our Energy, like Fear, Hate, Sorrow etc. The True teachings of Jesus spoke of this as the Archons. This can be found in the Nag Hammadi Library or Codices. You don’t have to believe in God if you have a Good heart and Do right God(Source Energy). Our Creator before the beginning of time will be there for you regardless. It is taught we are all one (fractals of our Creator) but we learn at our individual appointed time. I believe THIS is why you watched the video. The Light in Me sees the Light in You. NO FEAR!