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Jordan B Peterson - Terrifying IQ Statistic (linkie)

  - 3:08

It would be nice to have a non-sinister, (i.e. non-left,) political movement made up of average to brilliant people. Sadly, about half of intelligent people, (i.e. on the right side of the bell curve,) lean to the political left. In order to wield political power, it is necessary to drill down into the left side of the intelligence bell curve and convince "slow" people to vote for the political right. The task seems daunting. Gradeschool children understand that the kid who promises candy in exchange for votes will win an election. The adult version of candy is the much more destructive welfare. While the political right is trying to inspire people to accomplish great things, the political left only seeks political power. The political left does not need more leaders; it needs more followers, more of Marx's "useful idiots." The political right dreams of making the average person, (i.e. 100 on the intelligence scale,) smarter. The left works through education, (think Jimmy Carter's creation - The Department of Education,) to make the average voter more idiotic. The Third Law of Thermodynamics will NOT be denied. Nature favors increasing entropy, (i.e. stupidity.) Prescription for "The Fall" -- popcorn, lots of popcorn.






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November 1st 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

One thing society needs to understand is that our politicians are not on average smarter than the average of one's own society. We must stop holding up politicians as special in governance. We must rise above our own flaws as a society in order to hold our politicians to a higher and more accountable standard. As to looking out for those of lower than beneficial intelligence, well that is where governments and private non profits can embark providing enough financial support while offering them some useful work or other activities to occupy their time and well being. But we must accept this percentage of lower intelligence people without stunting or holding back the more intelligent and resourceful people in society. This will better protect the lower intelligence people without hurting the more intelligent and productive people. The problem with the political left is that they most often only care about votes to win elections and thus expand the welfare state while stunting the productivity of the intelligent and purposefully driven society. This must be curbed if we want to continue building a well oiled and successful society.🤔


- 3 years ago  

I agree, ALF. If we take the approach of George Bernard Shaw and his NAZI minions by murdering retarded and otherwise disabled people, then there goes our collective humanity and there go our individual souls.

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

To be in politics all you need is and IQ of 10. That seems to be how stupid many of them are. Just an observation.