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Johnny and Joe time



The Outer Limits HAIL FAUCI

Trudeau Merkel Macron Johnson Biden … The Great Puppet Show Do not talk to anyone Do not look at the sun. Do not go out. Do not take off the mask. Don’t ask Just take the shots, the boosters Hail Fauci, Hail Gates, Hail Schaub We control the Vertical We control the Horizontal Multi Stakeholder Corporate Governance The fake test with the fake controlled result based on what they want. Everyone that dies of anything, they record as Covid because they get paid massive amounts of money for saying it’s Covid. They never say it’s the Injection because they get paid nothing as their is NO liability in every contract between Pfizer…, and all countries. No deaths have ever been from Covid 19. Growing deaths and hospitalization are from Injection but never recorded as from Injection. Everyone you know injected could die and they would say it’s Covid, and it’s the Unjabbed that gave it to the Injected. This was Wargamed and Milgrimmed for years and they used AI to roll out this genocide without liability. Medical Tyranny was Hitlers method to Genocide, just as this one is. The great Hastening before the final solution of the Booster and the Flu season.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 23rd 2021  

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