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Johnny and Joe time



The War for the Human Race is on, its US or them

Did the Sheeple under 10 in Toronto while eating free ice cream, give informed consent? The Shot HERDED around the World _________________________________ All Shots banned in china, india, Dont take second if the first caused a reaction If you had covid then dont get shot Kids dont get covid so dont get shot If you have any allergy dont take the shot If you plan on reproducing dont get the shot Stay away from those that get shot cause they shed Spike protein causes clots anywhere and in brain Shot contains windshield fluid, allergic Spike shuts off immuno response stop switch, anaphylactic shock Any time you get sick your body will go into shock. Spike interferes with critical Ace2 receptors. The Jab has killed more people in 3 months than in 15 years of all vaccinations in America. This Jab line location is the most dangerous area in Canada. Lol the Jab is the least of their concerns. Did you now that due to all the chemicals ( fluoride, bpa, atracene, deet,...) deliberately put in the free world environment, Testosterone is at all time low amounts. TRUMP? He is in a club and you are not in it (George Carlin) President Donald Trump is not who you think. Committee of 300 includes Trumps alma mater Wharton. Sorry, the plan is to pit everyone against everyone, he is pro injection, against gun rights (red flag), against free speech (lassage, snowden), for Hillary, set up Alex Jones and Alex followers at Capital, said he would never surrender and 30 minutes later said everyone go home its over, never forced roberts to hear an election case, never jailed obvious insurrectors. Worst of all, he continues his placation of us who want to fight and will win the fight. He says he will run again so dont worry, dont fight, he will save us NO WE THE PEOPLE WILL FIGHT THESE ASSHOLES and WE THE PEOPLE WILL DESTROY EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM So it has been written So it shall be done






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May 24th 2021  

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