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Johnny and Joe time



Breaking Time for a Brain Cramp talk…Puberty…PS Bio Men are not allowed to compete against Bio Men!!! Excuse meeee Folks a little use of brains here Until through Puberty it is all reversed. Bio Women have an advantage over Bio Males until around 14 or so. Have you not noticed that girls go through puberty earlier than males duhhhhhhhhhh Judge It must be illegal for women to compete as men till 14 and then illegal for men to compete as women after 14 or so. Each close puberty case can be reviewed. Further discussion can be made here. Men taking extra steroid and testosterone is illegal and is tested therefore regardless of Bio gender, there are limits that cannot be exceeded in Men’s competition and Women’s competition. Of course there are still Bio Males natural utilitarian advantages beyond hormone which has to be recognized so regardless of Hormone transition efforts the after puberty advantages may still exist and could be reviewed case by case if it is so important for this young person to Compete with Bio Girls. There should be very very very few of these cases. Laws need not be changed or overturned on such rare cases but rather obvious grey areas for review. If these cases are not that rare and are numerous and we certainly pray they are not for humanity’s sake, then the obvious solution is Tranny competitions. Physical Competition It is not about sex it is about fair reasonable and Safe competition. Bio Men are not allowed to compete against other Bio men if competition is not safe or reasonable. Point in Fact Boxing has weight and size classes along with many other sports. In baseball extremely short players are not permitted. We always seek to level playing fields. In the past it was felt ridiculous to have the Top professional athletes compete against amateur athletes at Olympics. What kind of level playing field is that. Fairness and safety governs all Competition.






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April 6th 2023  

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