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Johnny and Joe time



Punishable by Death

Look at Item (k) Cause great suffering or Bodily injury or Mental health suffering or Physical health suffering The Vaccinations are not vaccinations. This is unapproved, uninsured medical experimentation admitted by the makers. Bill gates states in 80 percent of the injections of Mrna, there is great pain caused, often death, permanent disability on initial injection, worse on second injection. This is a bioweapon that will kill 80 percent long term. Everyone is allergic to the injection and causes permanent toxic shock, cancer, and kills the womb. Do not take it, like the jews believed they were taken to cottage country, wake up. This is deliberate. The injection is being forced as an experiment on groups from workers, military, first responders, aged, Teachers. disabled, infants (that have no effects from covid19) and terrorizing the public with paid for 24 7 media propoganda Pitting people against people into hysteria exactly like germany did in 1940. Media promoting along with government that you are bad, you are carbon (causes a green planet btw). The members of almost all governments are deliberately paying for and doing this on all the population, group by group, label by label. Look at Item (d) The governments are taking groups and transferring to confinement for no valid reason, often violently attacking, arresting, quarantining without any lawful data or evidence for any such action, removing all natural human rights, transferring groups to containment with no data nor reason. Look at Item (e) Depriving of right to breathe freely, exersize, eat when and where you want, threats to remove all sources of food, removing right to earn a living (as Jews were also not permitted to earn a living in germany), threats to remove medical care, imprisoned in a house or quarantine building for no valid reason, restrict natural movement for work or health or mental health. Pass this on and save 1000s of lives.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

March 7th 2021  

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