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Johnny and Joe time



Emergency Message … We are under Military Grade Psychological Mind control…Please Follow me here

Everything is about Fear and Control The Military has used every method to get us all Injected with an UN researched untested lethal substance. This is written in all their documents. This MKUltra has been going on our entire lives but it is in the open now. All the World is a Stage and We are All the Actors wrote Shakespeare who happens to be the first one injected and first to die from the shot. Please be calm when the following happens. The alleged Arrest of Trump makes NO legal sense. Trump says he will surrender to police if requested. Desantis says it’s a stunt, remember this. Remember we told you that as they take control of situations there are delays. Long delay here once announced. They take a pulse of everyone’s reaction. Next Trump says their will be protest, not peaceful. Next he says there will be death and destruction. Long Delay. If they do not get enough riled up defenders of Trump, and I don’t think there will be many, they will arrest him and their will be a Fake Assassination to make his supporters go ballistic and then run false flags. Everyone is an Actor all in this play. Including Trump who is an actor. What will follow is a true great reset and not for the better. Solution. Ignore it all 100 percent And Do not comply with any of their new bs Like Currency Covid Carbon or Donald’s Death and Destruction






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Uploaded a year ago  

March 25th 2023  


Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

and trump wants you pumped full of HIS jew bioweapon injections, beware that.

Johnny and Joe time

- a year ago  

Gates is Jewish, Bourla is Jewish, Clintons and Obama is Jewish And they Injected all of Israel too.