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Johnny and Joe time



ORACLE Vice President of Software suddenly dead by Lethal Jab 2

“Seems like he stopped blogging and using Twitter after his first shot,” noted one member at the Free Republic forum. “No activity after his first shot. He died two months after his first vaccine.” The following is a month behind and may be underreported by 100 times All of these people were coerced into taking an experimental injection produced by people who want to reduce the worlds population by 90 percent. The media has coerced them, the Government, Many doctors, coworkers, Bosses. 1000 times more people are permanently disabled. 10000 times more people have had dangerous reactions. 86 percent have had very adverse reactions. 10 percent have permanent AID, Auto Immune Disease A minimum of 500000 will die soon from the AID. Millions will get a long term reaction of autism, cancers, herpes, clots, Spike proteins breaking blood membrane to brain, eating peoples brains, eating babies, eating testes, eating uterus, shedding, magnetic prion proteins, babies still born. Billions have ptsd and mental scars from the media bombardment 24 7, lockdowns, masking. The president of Pfizer was correct when he said its a bioweapon, along with dozens of the worlds greatest doctors. All these billions of people are marching into their death due to the coercion by Government, Media, and Nazis. My children and my brother and sister were coerced into taking the injection. I think its time to Terminate these few evil ones and save humanity.






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June 4th 2021  

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