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Johnny and Joe time



His Wife Speaks the TRUTH…Rockefeller Jr and Sr are the worst of Humanity…Kill the WHO before it Kills YOU John D Rockefeller Sr and Jr Genocidal Narcissistic Psychopathic Sociopaths Predatory Philanthropy Fabian Socialism now Globalism Weaken Family Structure Weaken Education Plan awaited the Science to catch up and now they are ready to go They penetrated all education and technology and Governments to get the science necessary Note that every school has IQ tests and any gifted minds (very few) have been approached by Government Science groups to work on secret or elite projects. Jr sent John Ivy to Germany to teach Gerring Goerbles and Hitler complete Mind Control Note that Obama has no Birth Certificate from the USA and was President Note that Hitler has no Birth Certificate from Germany and was President Rockefellers Created Hitler and The Bolshevik Revolution “Humans are Herds to be Controlled and Culled” Dr Rima Laibow wife of General Burt Stubblebyne Teach farmers to grow clean food General was Poisoned with I.V. Mystery Adult Death MAD Die Suddenly Number one cause of death is UNKNOWN Die in one Piece They are experiments Nanotechnology hit with a 5G signal Total Body Spasm Experimental DEATHS effectiveness tested Induced deaths WHO is the result of the Rockefellers Institute for Health Stop the WHO backed by the UN and the Financial systems Stop the Treaty Head of state says we are not interested in the WHO Trump is a self interested person to have power Most pro vaccine president ever with a vaccine injured child Trump gave money to Gates instead of WHO. RFK is controlled opposition Desantis? Emulate the symptoms or the Marburg virus The immune system takes care of the symptoms Rockefellers Coal tar derivatives is sludge left over from Refining Oil






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April 19th 2023  

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