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Johnny and Joe time



TELEPATHY STRANGLEHOLD the world matrix you live in is governed by the ENTITY

2005 I am talking on the phone with a new friend I met by the pool. Everyday he calls me at 9am to talk business. I don't know anything personally about him but he seems interesting and nice. I awoke around 7am this day of an image in my mind about him. When the phone rang I knew it was him, I intended to tell him right away about what came into my mind, but he talks a lot so I figured let him talk and at the end I will tell him what I saw or thought. For some reason, I wanted to interrupt him to tell him, and this was strange because what I had to say can wait till after, certainly he is not going to be talking about what I saw in my mind. As he is talking, he then hesitates, and says you know, you don't really know me too well but … At this point I was compelled for no reason to blurt out the image in my mind I had of him. Something very scary, very occult, very very unexplained happened, very bothersome. I was unable to talk, some force wrapped around my throat, almost choking me and stopped me from speaking. Akin to Neos mouth being shut by his own skin in the matrix. I could not speak, actually coughed from the chokehold. My friend then said the exact words of my image of him. "I wake up every morning frothing on my pillow" If I would have been able to say it myself before he did, he never would have been the same, it would be 100 percent proof of mental telepathy. This was no coincidence. The fact that some force choked me to stop me tells me they didn't want the proof out there. I know the truth but the ENTITY stopped it from being corroborated by Walter.






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May 2nd 2020  

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