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Johnny and Joe time



Turdo made it a law there is no convoy or even support for a convoy allowed. $100000 fine.

🔊 BREAKING NEWS ! Look what they just slipped into power! Under the Emergency Measures Act, they have declared Truck Convoys illegal! Also supporting the convoy is illegal! Let’s see them tow 50 thousand trucks and hand out fines to 1.5 million people. Trudeau is done! The author of this is under a delusion that the Globalists care about anything or anyone. They want you dead, they are murdering children now and pregnant mothers and foetuses. Are you prepared to die before they inject you forcefully. Tell police that if they enforce any emergency measure laws they will be arrested and tried immediately and sentenced immediately. Turdo uses the police as a tool, it is supposed to be totally separate from politicians. This is the same all over the world. Join: Https:// I do not know if this new law is real, but It deserves note as Turdo has come out with so many criminal laws worse than this. He is supposed to be isolating in Hitlers bunker near his cottage we paid for 10x too much, surrounded by. commandos. He thinks he is Hitler or Castro or Kim It’s not him, it’s this Globalist Cult, but he must be terminated along with all illegal laws and mandates.






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

January 29th 2022  

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