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Pandoras Box



Jan 29 border Shut down Read the information below

Out west they have already done this and are planning others on Jan 29. This is the time to this. If they shut down all borders right across Canada they will have to take notice of it. So while your out there chatting to others even Americans suggest that anyone who lives along any border crossing to go out and support our truckers. I know American truckers are headed to Canada in solidarity with our truckers. Something like 10,000 of them. If they cannot get across the border they are going to stay at the border. People if we do not do this we will all starve to death thanks to the gov on both sides of the border. The US has been having shortages for some time now and it will only get worse. United we stand, Divided we fall. So to all Canadians and American get out there on Jan 29 along the borders and let your voices be heard. If you live near the border crossing it would not take much to get there travel wise. So tell all your American and Canadian friends or anyone for that matter to help with this. We need support for our truckers on both sides of the borders. Enough is Enough. Spread the word all across North America. We need people to stand up against this tyranny. You will also get to meet some pretty nice folks out there as well. Share this information far and wide. The support for our truckers is massive. Lets keep it going and increasing. We can do this. Invite every type of trucker you can think of. They are all essential to our lives. Construction workers, dump trucks and the list goes on. We need them all to stand together. Imagine snow plows being taken off the road cus some asshole thinks it is a good idea. This affects them too. It affects all truckers. What happens to them will affect you too no matter who you are. NOW IS THE TIME PEOPLE. Highway 401: Giant convoy of 20+ heavy snowplows stopping by Weston overpass 1-18-2022






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

January 26th 2022  

Category: News


Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

Hope it has an impact. But i would rather see 200 million people of the USA to get this done ! >

Pandoras Box

- 2 years ago  

Well we have to get the word out there so Americans know what is going on and it sure will not be on the main stream media so that leaves us to get the word out. Anyone along the border can get out there to help. I would love to see a few hundred million in the US get out there too. We have a couple of days to get this information out there. We can do this. I have already shred this in a few places. Those who see it can spread the word just like I am. We all know at least ten or more places to share this. Word can travel at the speed of light if we all do it at once. Never underestimate what one person can do. Even all the health care workers etc can go out in support of the truckers, Fire departments, construction workers, the supply chain covers everyone in North America and they are trying to shut it down via the death shots they call vaccines. We need our supply chain. So if anyone thinks it is a bad idea wait until they can't buy food etc. At that point it will be too late. Now is the time to stop this bullshit. For sure we need Americans on the other side of the US and Canadian borders on Jan 29. The support for the truckers have been amazing. It is massive. Lets build on that. If little tiny New Brunswick can do it and the ones in Western Canada we all can, at ever crossing. We just have to get the word out there. Never underestimate the ability of of one. One person can get to thousands of other in one day and those thousands can get to millions if you know what I mean. One voice can become billions in a few weeks. I can't get out to protest or go to the borders, but I sure as hell can get the word out there. If you know and seniors online they can get the word out there too. They are fed up with all the isolation etc too. I know of many who are thrilled about what the truckers are doing and finally have some Hope this all will end. They all can help spread the word. Every voice counts. One senior could get to thousand of people in one day. Never underestimate their ability. They may not be able to get out there, but they can get the word out to those who can. They all know truckers. They all know people who have been harmed or died due to the lockdowns etc. Nothing like raging grannies and garmpas. Their grand kids are at risk if this vax bullshit continues. So they can help too. They are important too. I think we have all suffered enough. Time to stop it all. So we have to get those 200 million Americans out there. I know sounds tough but easier then you think. H9ow many in the US have had their parents or grandparents murdered over this Bullshit? Her is a way for them to focus that anger and do something good at the same time.