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  - 1:15

1. 2. 3. Drugstores with no vitamin C this time of the year, to strengthen the human body immune system, so more people may get sick of the regular seasonal flu at worse, or weaker Covid-19 at best, to artificially increase fraudulent statistics; That should be totally criminal. Maybe when elected officials and heads of industries get long prison sentences, they will stop playing games with public health for dishonest political reasons. Something that truly work to strengthen the immune system against viruses, they purposely create a shortage of, while selling you all the junk food that you want, with the worse possible chemicals, to get people weaker and more sick. PS: You can find vitamin C in oranges and other fruits, while some of the food richest in Zinc, are by very far oysters, also, beef, crab, lobster, pork chop, chicken dark meat, pumpkin seeds, cashews, chickpeas... PS: They are so desperate to push their toxic Bill Gates vaccine, causing sterilization and cancer, that they remove from store shelves anything that could help make people better without it, whether Vitamins or even well known medication available over the counter in many countries, like Hydroxychloroquine. GOVERNMENTS TRYING TO CREATE FOOD SHORTAGES: 1. 2. 3. 4. (Backup) 5. (Backup) INTENTIONAL COVID FOOD SHORTAGES COMING SOON NEAR YOU: 1. 2. 3. #VitaminCzinc #VitaminC #Zinc #ImmuneSystem #Flu #Covid19 #Corona #Virus #RedoxonVitaminCzinc #VitaminCshortage






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

July 29th 2021  

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Category: News

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- 2 years ago  

On September 2020 Drug store shelves were intentionally empty from Vitamin C and not being refilled every where I looks, almost like they wanted everybody to get the flu or cold, so their flawed Covid tests would ring all the alarm bells, to artificially inflate their fake Covid case numbers, and getting more old people to die from the seasonal flu, to blame it again on Covid, which doesn' EXIST. In many countries, citizens have the constitutional right to refuse any medical treatments, without any prejudice, coercion, or harassment, including medical tests, and masks. Also all employers, businesses, or governments have no legal right to require any proof of vaccination or any other medical information, according to federal and provincial laws which protect medical information which is strictly private. Any discrimination based on medical status, race, gender, or age is totally illegal. Also, the inventor of the PCR test, which governments use to artificially inflate the number of Covid cases, Kary Mullis, said that his test is not made to detect any specific viruses, and the diagnosis of the number of Covid cases are flawed and extremely dishonest, fraudulently classifying all seasonal colds and flu cases in the Covid column. There is no Covid, no Delta variant, no Mu variant, no Beta variant, no Omicron variant, no Omega variant, and no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny variant. This is all BS, to enrich the shareholders of the big pharmaceutical companies, as well as several corrupt politicians and news media, with stolen taxpayer money, when no government in the world has ever been able to prove anything, in court, when challenged, by being unable to provide any sample of the Covid virus, or variant, isolated in a laboratory. The only truth is that these Covid injections, fraudulently labeled vaccines, are not real vaccines, but rather a dangerous experimental gene therapy, which in reality reduces the number of antibodies and the natural immune system, more powerful than any vaccines. In just four months, these Covid injections have caused more deaths and injuries than any other combined vaccines in the past 15 years, causing an epidemic of blood vessel blockage and heart attacks, even among sports athletes who collapsed on the ground, as well as the children. Ultimately, these Covid mandates are only recommendations, and certainly not laws, or regulations respecting constitutional rights, basic human rights, or even the Nuremberg Code; And all governments that act outside the law are outlaw criminals, and should be treated as such.