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  - 1:47

1. 2. 3. To be honest, the regrettable death of American soldiers in Afghanistan by apparent suicide bomber, feels more like a CIA style False Flag, as Afghans had no reason to attack American soldiers anymore as they were leaving. But now you see the Bidens and the Trumps, the Military Industrial Complex fake news, and the rest of the war-profiteer puppets, calling for vengeance, when at best, a few mentally deficient individuals, were manipulated and sent into the crowd with backpacks filled with explosive, that were remotely detonated near US soldiers; It's just that easy to create a false flag fake attack during tense situations. The reality is that the Talibans would have helped US soldiers to pack to leave as soon as possible, rather than risk a return to war, and military reprisals. And in this musical chair political theater, Biden blaming Trump, and Trump blaming Biden is just as hypocrite, as both could have pulled long ago out of Afghanistan, in a more orderly fashion, rather then continuing to protect Opium fields, and letting their drug lord allies profit from it, and up to a point the US administration as well. Afghanistan, is also being used as a distraction from the fascist globalist depopulationist Covid medical tyranny at home, where people in the west, get harassed into taking dangerous injections, mislabeled as vaccine. If nothing else, at least Afghan people were liberated from that tyranny. PS: It's total double standard hypocrisy, that 13 deaths in Afghanistan is considered a tragedy, but 13,000 deaths from the Covid vaccine in the US alone, which both Biden and Trump are pushing like lunatics, is just brushed off and ignored by sellout politicians and the corrupt news media, as just an annoying inconvenient statistic. #Afghanistan #SuicideBomber #AmericanSoldiersDead #FalseFlag #WarProfiteer






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August 27th 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

For people like Biden and Trump, calling for vengeance, really means taking more money from gullible US taxpayers, to buy more bombs and million dollar missiles, to throw at Afghans, so that Biden and Trump's investments with weapons manufactures go up, and these war profiteers and their accomplices can make more money.


- 3 years ago  

To be honest, the regrettable death of American soldiers in Afghanistan by apparent suicide bomber, feels more like a CIA style False Flag, as Afghans had no reason to attack American soldiers anymore as they were leaving. But now you see the Bidens and the Trumps, the Military Industrial Complex fake news, and the rest of the war-profiteer puppets, calling for vengeance, when at best, a few mentally deficient individuals, were manipulated and sent into the crowd with backpacks filled with explosive, that were remotely detonated near US soldiers; It's just that easy to create a false flag fake attack during tense situations. The reality is that the Talibans would have helped US soldiers to pack to leave as soon as possible, rather than risk a return to war, and military reprisals. And in this musical chair political theater, Biden blaming Trump, and Trump blaming Biden is just as hypocrite, as both could have pulled long ago out of Afghanistan, in a more orderly fashion, rather then continuing to protect Opium fields, and letting their drug lord allies profit from it, and up to a point the US administration as well. Afghanistan, is also being used as a distraction from the fascist globalist depopulationist Covid medical tyranny at home, where people in the west, get harassed into taking dangerous injections, mislabeled as vaccine. If nothing else, at least Afghan people were liberated from that tyranny. PS: It's total double standard hypocrisy, that 13 deaths in Afghanistan is considered a tragedy, but 13,000 deaths from the Covid vaccine in the US alone, which both Biden and Trump are pushing like lunatics, is just brushed off and ignored by sellout politicians and the corrupt news media, as just an annoying inconvenient statistic. #Afghanistan #SuicideBomber #AmericanSoldiersDead #FalseFlag #WarProfiteer