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Those who pamper themselves, their portion of the share of the Tree of Life shall be reduced. One Enoch.

Isaiah 14 1. Because Maryah shall have mercy on Jacob and shall be pleased with Israel, and shall leave them in their lands, and the inhabitants shall enter upon them -- they shall increase the House of Jacob. 2. And the nations shall fetch them and bring them to their land, but they shall be the inheritance of the House of Israel, in the land of Maryah, the servants and the maidens, and they shall provide for their providers, and they shall have authority over their subjugators. 3. And on the Day that Maryah shall give you rest from your consternation, from your anger, and from the heavy servitude of your enslavement; 4. You shall relate* this proverbial tale about the King of Babylon, and say, "How was the ruler deposed,* and the insurgent overthrown!" 5. Maryah broke the staff of the depraved, and the rod of the ruler, 6. Who beat the nations without warning, with blows that could not be repelled, and he exiled the nations with contempt, and wiped out those that did not submit. 7. The whole earth became restful and calm and cried out in praise. 8. Even the perennials and the cedars of Lebanon rejoiced over you, "since the season that you were reduced in stature,* no one climbed up to cut us down." 9. Sheol murmurs from below in anticipation of your arrival; the giants of the earth have been apprised of your coming,* together with all the rulers of the earth that you toppled* from their thrones. 10. And the kings of the nations answer and say to you, "Have you also been struck down like us, and ended up like us?" 11. And your honor has been brought down to Sheol, and your harps are dead; beneath you the hill has been flattened,* 12. How have you fallen from heaven, O, Night Star* in the morning? How have you fallen to earth, O, despoiler of nations? 13. You have said in your heart that I have ascended to heaven, and my throne is higher than the stars of Eil and I sit on the high mountain in the extremities of the north. 14. And you rose to the height of the cloud






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September 21st 2022  

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