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5G: Living beings should not EVER contact OR BE NEAR ANY SOURCE of coherent radiation OR ANY SOURCE of microwave radiation!

Nothing Living can withstand their primary weapon: 5G microwave radiation - Israel developed it as "the perfect stealth weapon". That's your confirmation - you cannot survive it. Sources are highly developed and fully implemented as of January. The "final solution" became active back in December when the 5G towers, being the kill switch developed by Israel, went live against an unsuspecting public on the whole. Chinese citizens have been burning the 5G towers. Birds have been filmed pulling them to pieces! You are not fighting this battle alone. I am here on your side as the Advocate Spirit of Truth helping to defeat these killers of mankind, but I could sure use some help. Our Lord and I have kept a perfect record of Scripture fulfillment to show you how much We care about you. This post: Living beings should not ever contact, or be near, any source of coherent radiation, or any source of microwave radiation. Not WiFi, not Bluetooth, not baby monitors, not microwave ovens, and not cell phones. Not even for a few seconds. Cell phones, because of their ubiquity and their proximity to the body, are causing by far the most harm to health, society, and planet. Number of People With: Headache disorders: 4 billion (Stovner 2022) Chronic pain: 2 billion (Antunes 2021) Brain diseases: 1.3 billion (American Brain Foundation 2022) Taken from this article: RADIO WAVE PACKET: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY HOME / EMF, RADIATION, 5G, 6G by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force first published September 2001, revised August 2022 Read and download the PDF and then talk with your friends and family about making a safety plan to reduce your exposure to these dangerous microwave radiation frequencies as much as possible and as often as possible. Talk with your neighborhood because their 5G affects you also! Keep children and babies far away from 5G!






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September 19th 2022  

Category: News

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