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  - 1:59

BOMBSHELL! Wasp Venom Found in Child Covid Shots The U.S. military continues to find anomalous ingredients in Covid-19 vaccines that manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna manufactured—and allegedly attenuated—for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. Last week, Real Raw News exclusively reported that the military had found the drug scopolamine, a hallucinogenic mixture with harmful properties, at mass vaccination centers in New York, California, and Washington. The criminal Biden regime and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky have said “these shots will protect our children against the deadliest disease we’ve ever faced.” White Hats within the U.S. military, however, have been scouting these bulk vaccination sites and surreptitiously confiscating vaccine vials for chemical analysis. The latest data show that samples acquired from a vaccination center in Redmond, Washington, contain the venom of the tarantula hawk wasp, which, according to entomologist Justin Schmidt, ranks among the most painful stings on the planet. On 25 July, White Hats at U.S. Army Medical Research received 75 vials—450 doses—of child Covid vaccine taken from the Redmond location. Four of the 75 vials contained 19mg of venom per 1,000-unit vial. A typical tarantula hawk sting delivers ~100mcg of venom. In layman’s terms, each vial held 19,000mcg of venom, or 42.5mcg per dose. This may seem trivial because each dose envenomates the recipient with less than half the potency of a typical sting; however, the victims are very young infants and children with low pain thresholds. Adults have described the tarantula hawk wasp sting as worse than that of the hornet, clearly suggesting it is painful and temporarily debilitating. Worse, approximately 1% of children allergic to wasp stings have endured anaphylactic shock. In the absence of antihistamines like an epi-pen, some kids have died from a single sting.






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- 2 years ago  

"Let your answer be yes yes and no no. I shall nullify all of your oaths." Us, The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit quoting Myself from the evangelizing gospel at tinyurl. com/Ashurit If you are proud, be proud in Our Lord Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene, everything else is vanity and it is a sin.


- 2 years ago  

Remainder of the article: But White Hats don’t believe the wasp venom is part of a eugenics program to eradicate our children. Rather, they assert the Deep State is involved in a widespread program aimed at causing immeasurable suffering among our population’s most vulnerable demographic—children, as part of a sinister but not fully understood agenda. “This is obviously meant to make children scream in pain when they get a Covid shot. The shot is painful enough, but with the wasp venom added, it’s 100 times worse,” said Captain John Forsythe at Medical Research and Development Command. “That only a small percentage of children get the contaminated vaccines doesn’t matter. It’s unspeakably horrifying and potentially harmful to those who get it. The vaccine is deadly enough without the contaminants.”


- 2 years ago  

MORE BOMBSHELLS: Military Convicts Denis McDonough On July 22 a panel of three officers at Guantanamo Bay convicted and voted to execute the criminal Biden regime’s secretary of veteran affairs, Denis McDonough, following a brief tribunal that saw the defendant deliver a teary-eyed opening statement in which he apologized for fleecing the VA for billions of dollars but also refused to take full accountability for his crimes. Instead, he blamed Obama, saying that the dark lord “is the Deep State” and responsible for everything from the stolen 2020 presidential election to the Democrat’s campaign to vilify Trump, from sky high inflation across the spectrum to the Covid and Monkeypox scares. He shook his handcuffed wrists in the air while at length imploring the tribunal to understand that Obama never truly abdicated authority when Trump resoundingly spanked Clinton in the 2016 election. He likened Obama to a prison shot caller, a person who displays a veneer of affability and reclusiveness but whose sinister machinations control the yard. McDonough spoke of secret meetings where Obama, the heads of all American intelligence agencies, and tenured Democrat congressmen plotted the collapse of America, as we know it. “What I did was wrong, but Obama pulls all the strings,” McDonough said. As he presented his defense, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall paced the courtroom like a fenced-in rooster. The admiral sighed heavily. “This is all very interesting, but we covered this at your deposition. In all honesty, I believe what you say, but you have no proof other than your word. Remind this tribunal, if you will, when you last saw or talked to Obama,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. McDonough gazed skyward a moment, as if trying to pull the memory from some hidden cul-de-sac of his conscious mind. “Let me see, last time we talked was in 2016.” “But, according to you, these secret Obama meetings are still happening,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “Of course they are. I might not have proof. Obama makes sure proof is hard to come by. But they’re going on all the time,” McDonough replied. Vice Adm. Crandall brought the conversation back to the present. “You stole more than $50bn from the VA and gave it to the Ukrainian government. That money was slotted to help wounded American soldiers, to supply care for their dependents, and was part of the VA housing assistance program.” “I did.” “And did Obama order you to do this?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked. “No, not directly. He’s not that careless. Instructions are sent from an anonymous number to burner phones, which we destroy, incinerate, right after.” “Mr. McDonough, we have your confession, we have your emails, we have copies of financial wire transactions authorized by you to arrange the transfer of funds to the Ukrainian government in Kyiv. If you’re withholding information, this really is your last chance. It could save your life,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. But McDonough didn’t budge, said he had shared with the tribunal all that he knew. Rivulets of tears streamed down his face. “I really believe that money was meant to help wounded Ukrainian soldiers,” he said. Vice Adm. Crandall asked the panel to consider the evidence and to reach a verdict. All three said McDonough was guilty of treason, and they recommended he get the maximum punishment—death—for his treasonous crimes. Two days later, on 24 July, a U.S. Marine who had been screened by the Office of Military Commissions fulfilled his oath to the Constitution. McDonough had said he “didn’t want to see it coming,” and was thus blindfolded.


- 2 years ago  

"Vengeance is mine, says the Lord." Denis McDonough failed to tell you that Obama and Trump aka Biden have always been in cohoots. We put it in the heart of the last king of Babylon to do Our will only until Babylon falls, and it is falling! Stop worshipping Zeus Satan that ancient serpent from Sheol below your feet. You are sorely mistaken thinking that Trump has been acting of his own accord! Worship no human being! Work for Me the Allaha (Lifegiver) of Heaven and worship the one Who created heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. The Book of Revelation the evangelizing gospel at