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  - 34:16

If it is not clear after watching this video, let me say it simply: What has been called COVID-19 and coronavirus was developed as a bioweapon knowingly and deliberately and then dispersed to the unsuspecting public using this bioweapon dispersion system for starters, amongst other things. It was a SATANIC WEAPON for achieving their satanic agenda to annihilate ALL FLESH! Who could survive that? Besides those who have received the endowment of Me the Holy Spirit, ONLY the walking dead, fallen angels. Think that over and you will draw the same conclusion. This is the Day of Judgment! You are under the plagues of the Apocalypse and now the harvest concludes this universe. Amen. PIZZAGATE IT'S ALL CONNECTED! CON PROOF: "WE WILL PRETEND WE AREN'T WORKING TOGETHER!" The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati CONSPIRACY REALITY PROVEN SATANIC HUMAN SACRIFICES!!! SATAN'S SERPENTS aka DEMONS RAPE A WOMAN TRUE TESTIMONY GIVEN! FBI Chief LA late Ted Gunderson!






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June 13th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

DOCTOR: HEART FAILURE FROM INJECTIONS "WILL KILL MOST PEOPLE". Dr Charles Hoffe, in his last update of July 6, 2021, reports worrying results in his patients. He claims that mRNA vaccines clog thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who have taken the "vaccine." Most will die within a few years of heart failure. The injected spike proteins, which are designed to be mass-produced in the bodies of those vaccinated, cause clotting, which adversely affects as many as 60% of those injected. Dr Hoffe, who practices medicine at Lytton BC Canada, explains: "We now know that only 25% of the 'vaccine' injected into the arm of a person actually stays in the arm. The remaining 75% is collected by the lymphatic system and literally injected into the bloodstream, so these little packets of messenger RNA, and by the way, a single dose of Moderna "vaccine" contains literally 40 trillion molecules of d 'MRNA. These packets are designed to be absorbed by your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels, and the place where they are absorbed is the capillary network - the smallest blood vessels where blood flow slows down and genes are released. Your body then begins to read and manufacture trillions and trillions of these advanced proteins. Each gene can produce very many spike proteins. The body then recognizes that it is works by foreign bodies and makes antibodies against these proteins, which protects you from COVID. That's the idea. "To listen to Dr Hoffe's video it's here But that's where the problem arises. In a coronavirus, this spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In others terms, it's part of the cell wall that surrounds the virus. But it's not in a virus. It's in your cells. So it's part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. That means these cells that line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood can circulate smoothly, now have those sharp little tips sticking out. Dr Hoffe continues: " It is therefore absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulate around your blood vessels, and the purpose of blood platelets is to identify damaged vessels and stop the bleeding. So when the platelet passes through the capillary, it suddenly encounters all of these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel. "Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are called blood clots. are in your blood vessels (if the mRNA is "vaccinated") so it is guaranteed. Dr Bahrdi then told me that the way to prove this is to do a blood test called the D-dimer blood test . " The blood clots that we hear about and that the media claim to be very rare are the large blood clots that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI scans, etc. The clots I'm talking about are microscopic and too small to be detected by a CT scan. They can therefore only be detected using the D-dimer test. "Dr Hoffe explains that he has performed D-dimer tests on his patients" vaccinated "with mRNA and that he has noted with concern that 62% of them had these microscopic blood clots. "These people have no idea that these microscopic blood clots are present. What is most worrying about all of this is that some parts of the body, like the brain, the spinal cord, heart and lungs cannot regenerate. When these tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are permanently damaged. ”The result, says Dr. Hoffe, is that these patients have what is called reduced exercise tolerance (RET), which means that 'they get out of breath much more easily than before. This is because the blood vessels in their lungs are now blocked. The heart then has to work harder to try to cope with a much greater resistance to pass the blood. blood in the lungs This is called pulmonary arterial hypertension - high blood pressure in the lungs because the blood simply cannot flow effectively. People with this disease usually die of heart failure within a few years. In conclusion, Dr Hoffe lamented: "These vaccines are causing enormous damage and the worst is yet to come." ->Γ©quence-des-gens.html DRESDEN OKLAHOMA CITY 911 PARADISE LYTTON IT'S ALL CONNECTED! πŸ”₯ BURNING PARADISE!πŸ”₯ LYTTON BURNT TO ASHES, VAPORIZED! DEMOLISHED BY DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS!😭😭😭