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IRS Captured By Rogue Elements in Our Govt. to Wage War on the American People

  - 13:03

IRS Captured By Rogue Elements in Our Govt. to Wage War on the American People Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -






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August 19th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

They can do what they want while we remain silent and compliant to there ways. But it will end for them when America comes with trump to kick the district of Colombia off of Americas continent. With or with out the red man. America will take down the Colombian rulership of America.


- 2 years ago  

America is over run with criminal rats just as our Congress is. I'm sorry but it is so bad now. The only way to be sure no rat escapes is to trench around the barn, fill it with poison water and then burn the barn down to the ground. We will just have to build back better once the rats are dead and gone. Fatboy gotta a fat mouth mouth. But no balls for real violence. Makes him one of them.


- 2 years ago  

They are allowing immigrants in to America because these people are infested with very contagious tropical diseases that they will spread to everyone that comes into contact with them or anything they touch. Most of there tropical diseases are lung parasites that produce encysted larvae small enough to float around in the air for hours. Three of the covid injections are giving you CHAGUS disease and blood fluke infections, along with wildlife wasting disease. The other three are injecting you with chemicals and biological agents designed to kill tropical worm diseases so fast that it causes anaphylactic shock or sudden cardiac arrest. They know most of these worm diseases have no symptoms but are very deadly because they all kill you for food for eating them for food and they all produce a bacteria they use to break down your tissues into food for them and it is as deadly as snake venom. They know if you attack them with poison that attack back with poison. They want all wellfare, social security recipient's and eligible social security recipient's off there backs permanently, now. They want to build back on the backs of people willing to goaling with universal income for a simple standard of liveing for doing all the mediokra jobs were already underpaid to do. If we don't help trump kick these Colombian bastards in Washington off American soil we won't have a home in heaven much longger, hell will be our new place of residence. Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. If he has to tell you this means the grave, then the grave is what you deserve.