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Tony HellerPLUS



Greg Price - Schumer: "Rupert Murdoch has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson from going on tonight [and] from letting him go on again and again and again [because] our democracy depends on it."

  - 0:31

Originally uploaded to by Greg Price Schumer: "Rupert Murdoch has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson from going on tonight [and] from letting him go on again and again and again [because] our democracy depends on it."






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Uploaded a year ago  

March 7th 2023  

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- a year ago  

Schumer is a traitor to America and the American people. Saw this in the ruby ridge bullshit. Get a rope... Got to wonder "why is he still here?"


- a year ago  

Our "Democracy" is the lie. We are a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution is our guide, it limits the elected representatives power over us while giving us control over them.


- a year ago  

The day before, Schumer said, "when people don't believe elections are on the level, that is the beginning of the end - of democracy". Does he also want us to think that "belief" and "faith" are all it takes to keep roads from falling apart and bridges from falling down? Don't look behind the curtain or the magic of OZ will disappear! The horror!


- a year ago  

Pelosi, Schumer, the DNC and McConnell, Romney the Rhino GOP (the uniparty) with the Capital Police, these last two years, since Octogenarian Biden was made president (coronated behind barbed wire and a circle of troops in DC), have been trying to paint J6 protesters as a potential coup, which it never was. J6 was a protest not a coup. ————- The DNC has been trying to make J6 into the 1933 Reichstag Fire and enact something like Adolf’s Enabling Act, which would allow the DNC, RNC, the uniparty, to bypass our system of checks and balances in our US government. ————- Ukraine is an illegal proxy war. Blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline was a terrorist act and illegal. The DNC, Rhino RNC this uniparty is out of control and evil. —————- Anyone continually deficit spending and killing American manufacturing in favor of crippling trade surpluses with now near a trillion dollar massive trade imbalances annually in 2020 to today are evil and care little for the American people but only for their own enrichment. ————- Free speech by the American free citizens is this uniparty’s #1 enemy.


- a year ago  

Oh dear, the liars have been called out, and their response is the usual one of despots and tyrants everywhere; censorship.


- a year ago  

Our Democracy, lol what poisoning people on a mass scale and pushing the climate emergency when there clearly is none. I would say that Tucker needs to run for President.


- a year ago  

Isn't it strange that the threats to 'democracy' are precisely the same as those things that question tyranny.


- a year ago  

After trump's put out his "plan" the other day, for the US government to build giant planned cities in open land, where people will be kept "free and safe"... the jig is seriously up. The demoralization is that his supporters will still vote for him, even though he describes to them how he wants to model the USA after China. All "sides" are captured, worldwide, and so is all the news. Is there any way out besides complete societal collapse? Serious people need to start talking seriously about this.