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Tony HellerPLUS



This Date In 1963

  - 8:03

There was a worldwide drought during 1963 and it was the warmest autumn on record in the US. But that is not the only bit of history which has been rewritten.






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- 2 years ago  

Oswald was guilty far beyond any reasonable doubt. He went home with his fellow worker from the Book Depository on a Thursday instead of the usual Friday because he needed to pick up the rifle....on Friday morning he returned to work with a long brown paper wrapped package which he told his friend was curtain rods. At about 1/2 hour before the shooting a worker asked Oswald if he wanted o go down from the 6th floor in the elevator with him? Oswald said no and asked him to send the elevator back up (Oswald wanted to block the elevator with a box of books). When Oswald shot 3 times from the window, there were 2 people just below on the 5th floor looking out...they of course heard the shots and the bolt being worked and the empty shells hitting the wooden floor. A 12 year old boy was watching the JFK car pass as he stood across the street from the Book Depository...he looked up at the window to see where the sound of the first shot came from...he then saw the rifle barrel and watched 2 more shots....he then flagged down a motorcycle cop and the cop rode him over to the front door of the BD...the cop and the manager of the BD went to the 2nd floor snack room where they met Oswald getting a Coke from a machine....the cop pointed his gun at Oswald and demanded him to state his name....the BD manager told the cop that Oswald worked there and they continued their search of the building. Oswald fired those 3 shots in about 15 seconds and changed the course of history.


- 2 years ago  

One of the best documentaries I've seen on the assassination it's called "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." Of course, the definitive book investigating the assassination was "On the Trail of the Assassins" written by Jim Garrison. Although the movie JFK is supposedly based on the book, it totally bastardizes the book by combining real personalities of the time in the book into fictionalized characters played by Donald Sutherland and Todd bacon. Another book called "JFK and the Unspeakable" gives an excellent analysis of what really happened at the movie theatre where Oswald was caught, as well as analysis of the political situation surrounding Kennedy and other things going on at the time of the assassination.


- 2 years ago  

Only a fool believes the official narrative. The CIA killed Kennedy just as they had killed a number of world leaders previously (how do you think the whole fiasco in Iran started? Assassination of a duly elected President of that nation by our CIA). Johnson knew this plan was in place long before it happened. Why would he leave a post of unequalled authority in the Congress to be Vice President, a powerless position, unless he was assured the Presidency? Blaming it on "organized crime" because Bobby was bearing down on them is a joke. Conspiracy theory? No. Simple analysis of facts and human nature. This is also why the CIA and FBI are permanently corrupt and should be dismantled to restore freedom in the US. They exist solely to preserve the Federal government's existence, not to defend the people of these United States.


- 2 years ago  

There is a series of videos on newtube in three parts of a lecture given by a man named Kevin Shipp, an ex-CIA employee, in which he clearly describes all of the intelligence agencies in the United States running amuck and in fact running a shadow government that started shortly after the CIA was created by President Truman shortly after World War II, as well as the fact that the CIA orchestrated Kennedy's assassination, in addition to overthrowing governments and assassinating legitimate be elected world leaders. In fact, Truman expressed remorse for having created the CIA after realizing it had become something completely distorted from what he had intended, which was simply to gather intelligence information to advise the president. By the sounds of it, Kevin Shipp was fairly high up in the organization of the CIA and not just some peon.


- 2 years ago  

I was 7 years old living north of Pittsburgh in Orchard Park Gibsonia PA when JFK was assassinated. School was let out and it was an odd time to be a kid in America. One thing that was clear to me was nothing at that time made sense about this assassination. To further frustrate the mystery why and how Oswald could have been the single shooter, Ruby conveniently assassinated Oswald only days later in a garage under a police escort. ————- The Warren Commission was a kangaroo court of LBJ picked appointees and simply concluded Oswald was the single assassin and nothing else could be gleaned because Ruby assassinated Oswald. ————- From 1963 right up to 1970’s the whole JFK assassination seemed to me to be swept under the rug. Then in 1976 the US House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established to investigate the assassinations of both JFK and MLK. ————- I was in college at the time and remember skipping school to watch some of the more riveting testimonies on the JFK assassination. What became clear as mud to me was the single magic bullet theory that stated Oswald had shot from 6 stories up. It entered JFK in his back suit coat, exited the throat and then entered and shattered Connelly’s fifth right rib and after exiting the front of Connally's chest, the bullet shot through his right wrist, breaking one of his wrist bones, before burying itself beneath the skin of Connally's left thigh. This path of travel — considered highly unlikely by critics of the single-bullet theory — means the bullet went through the bodies of two adult men, tore through about 15 inches of human flesh, broke two bones and punctured 15 different layers of clothing. This bullet was found on a gurney that purportedly had Connolly on it and get this, it appeared virtually unscathed!!! Pictures of this bullet show a bullet intact with no notable impact damage. At the time skeptics of the “Magic Bullet Theory” from their line of questioning in Congress abounded. ————- Watching this JFK assassination commission real-time made me sour towards our government officials who obviously concocted this JFK assassination in full view of Americans in 1963. Oswald was a patsy as he said and Ruby was instructed to assassinate Oswald as he did. America lost its innocence in 1963. ————- Anyone who thinks that patsy Oswald was capable of assassinating JFK using an inaccurate Italian rifle probably believes CO2, plant food, is a pollutant capable of incinerating planet Earth. It’s all manufactured bull!

Truth Sleuth

- 2 years ago  

Those were memorable moments indeed. The "assassination" of LHO was beyond the pale. SS just stood back in surprise? Nobody was doing firearm checks "at the door"? Gads. I too have fired a Carcano and it was useless even with a scope. No way multiple shots could be fired from that old POS... it was good only for spraying lead in the general direction of the enemy hoping for contact. No sniper would ever have chosen that rifle.


- 2 years ago  

I had just turned 13. I wasn't quite as quick to gauge the truth of a matter as you were. But once seen and realized, you can't go back without betraying yourself. Maybe others can accomplish that feat but I can't. It has been an interesting slog through false tropes and the jungle of peoples' egos since then. Actually, in elementary school when the theory of evolution was taught as real - with diagrams of fetal development (where a baby looks like a salamander) - and the absurdity that giraffes developed long necks to eat the leaves from higher up branches, I began to suspect something was amiss.

Truth Sleuth

- 2 years ago  

Spot on, mate. I remember the evolution of the horse, too. Small, medium, large, huge, back to large. Never mind that many coexisted or arrived on-scene out of order! I no longer worship at the altar of consensus science.


- 2 years ago  

Yep. You spot the hypocracy at an early age. Problem is most of the flock ignore that and grow up purposefuly ignorant. TRUST GOVERNMENT! OBEY!


- 2 years ago  

Thanks Tony.


- 2 years ago