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Tony HellerPLUS



Red Voice Media - Al Gore Comes Unglued At WEF - We Don't Call Them Climate Crazies For Nothing ...we're glad he invented the internet. ๐Ÿ™„Otherwise we couldn't show you this clip. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  - 0:52

Originally uploaded to by Red Voice Media Al Gore Comes Unglued At WEF - We Don't Call Them Climate Crazies For Nothing ...we're glad he invented the internet. ๐Ÿ™„Otherwise we couldn't show you this clip. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚






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Uploaded a year ago  

January 18th 2023  

File Size: 3 MB



- a year ago  

LOL! Funny man.


- a year ago  

Gore's message can't be understood unless he screams like a moron maniac... If he really believes in the PR stunt, that CO2 is very dangerous for all of us, then he should silence himself as he exhales a lot of the dangerous CO2, with all the yelling and talk...


- a year ago  

What the actual fuck is a "rain bomb"? Is it like their new propaganda term for a normal higher latitude low pressure spinning storm, the "bomb cyclone"? I can't wait for the "terrorist typhoons" or the "rape tornadoes".


- a year ago  

Wow. Boy he has access to lots of instant facts and figure. Look at the swollen arteries in his forehead. Proves he has access to information we don't. I was wondering why my shoe laces won't stay tied. I might as well go barefoot.


- a year ago  

The oceans can not heat up. It takes 1000 times as much energy to heat the oceans as to heat the atmosphere. Because the oceans weigh 250 times as much as the atmosphere, and the heat coaffigent (or what it is called in english) of water is 4 times as high as of air. I belive the oceans, that cover 2/3 of the Earth, will take care of any climate disturbances that may come from CO2.


- a year ago  

The enormous thermal inertia means that it takes about eight hundred years for disturbances to affect ocean temperatures. Whatever caused warming in the past century has nothing to do with human beings. It is a consequence of the Medieval warm period which these charlatans have deleted from history.


- a year ago  

Geez Al, what are you on? How many scary stories of gloom and doom does he think he can get away with before even his most devoted minions realize this guy is full of it. Where are the boiling oceans? The ice caps are still growing, not melting. The sea is still rising at the same, slow, steady rate it has since 1860.


- a year ago  

"We have to act" Nice acting Al... Be a shame if the theatre critics published their reviews of your "acting"


- a year ago  

Does this guy actually believe what he says, I wonder? How can one person be so delusional?


- a year ago  

So carbon dioxide actually GENERATES heat spontaneously? Is that right Mr Gore? Then why do we need windmills and solar farms is we can get power from greenhouse gases ? There can be no more power into the atmosphere than that supplied by the Sun as modified by the albedo, and that must be radiated to space otherwise the planet is not in thermal equilibrium. If your 'theory' deduces more power than this, you've got your sums wrong. What an idiot!


- a year ago  

"Al Gore Comes Unglued" lol more likely a few freezing weeks in the US is blowing up his BS narrative and he is getting desperate!


- a year ago  

No, I think he's just on coke.


- a year ago  

Go back to your beach house Al.


- a year ago  
