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Tony HellerPLUS



Curtis Houck - CBS's Nate Burleson: "Post-presidency, what...keeps you up at night?" Barack Obama: "The thing...I'm most worried about is...a divided conversation in part b/c we have a divided media...When I was growing up, you had three TV stations...We almost occupy different realities."

  - 1:45

Originally uploaded to by Curtis Houck CBS's Nate Burleson: "Post-presidency, what...keeps you up at night?" Barack Obama: "The thing...I'm most worried about is...a divided conversation in part b/c we have a divided media...When I was growing up, you had three TV stations...We almost occupy different realities."






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May 21st 2023  

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- a year ago  

Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Trump and now BBB BRIC BY BRIC Biden have led America into debt and helped destroy the one IMPORTANT American strength, US Manufacturing. ———- Our US Taxpayer deficit spending was nearing 1 trillion annually and since Covid or Trump and Biden administrations it’s now over a trillion annually. ————- China’s trade gap over America last year was near 700 billion. China since it built its own 2nd deeper and wider near dedicated Panama Canal between 2005 to 2016 for its built Panamax container ships, China has increased trade transiting through the Panama Canal 3 to 4 times. ————— China is winning the economic war and America is loosing currency wars and becoming a failed empire bankrupt in debt.


- a year ago  

American corporations decided to outsource labor so that they could make higher profits, while the American people not only were too stupid to boycott the companies that moved production overseas, but lined right up to exitedly buy stuff for a few percent less. The only thing that would've prevented this is more government control over the "free markets".

Wes Hamel

- a year ago  

Blue cities responsible for almost all gun violence, but, they always say United States in their rhetoric; giving the false impression that it's nation wide. IMO it's for the purpose of promoting a reason for disarming the citizens and making them defenceless and unable to protest against their lawless behavior. Democrat controlled areas caused the problem and then offer fake solutions when the real solution is for them to stop what they are doing.


- a year ago  

Bullshit artist still working the con with a trusted minion.


- a year ago  

Yes exactly, he is Pharaoh Akhenahten, Ammon Rah, the most evil ruler in history, who tried to convince the world that he/she is Me Sarrah the Allaha of Heaven. That's the king of Babylon that is the king of the Medes and the Persians from Scripture. He was REVEALED as a Hearst and formerly the actor "Heath Ledger" whose final starring role was "The Joker", he is literally the joker. Tavistock Institute of Human Relations made him over to look like a black man, though he never was. Moses CONDEMNED this pedophile killer of mankind in the Day of Judgement using three points biometrics matching. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene. This is the only name that I have given to humanity by which you receive the Covenant of Life. Amen.


- a year ago  

He and Michael were major participants in the massive ring worldwide of pedophiles and killers I have been taking out permanently, including the pizzagate major CIA / government / Hollywood pedophiles that constructed slaughter rooms subterranean in ALL OF THOSE Washington D.C. businesses where the CIA resided, including Comet Ping Pong and Pizza and it's owner James Elafantis.