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Max Random



tombstones (cell phone) song video by Max Random 420 punk (Cell phone fails ) 420punk

  - 3:23

Smart Phones VRS Stupid Humans? Who is going to win? I feel like I'm walking among the Tombstones, With Everyone staring down at those smart phones I wanna smash your screens & Break you out of the computer stupor your life is becoming all about Your making my reality a stange abnormality this twilight zone episode is really freaking me out- I'm not religious but I'm praying for results I'd like to see the earth get slammed by an electromagnetic pulse Stephen couldn't invent a world this scary Id like to kill Mike Lazaridus for inventing the black berry You have to know that Iphone is not good for you An apple is something you eat Not pray to Steve Jobs didn't die he's in all your heads & hands Laughing with the devil at the devils master plan to enslave the masses using smoke & mirrors disguised as cell phone apps & games with super heros to hook you kids get them addicted to the data so when you try & take their phones they will fuckin hate So you hatem right back take videos of their tantrums Hope they viral so you will be a media sensation--------






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

May 3rd 2021  

File Size: 68 MB

Category: Music

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