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Flat Plane 2020



We have been lied to about the Moon

  - 14:42






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Uploaded a year ago  

January 27th 2023  

File Size: 97 MB

Category: Technology & Science



- a year ago  

parasite is all you need to know. God is a parasite Satan is a parasite The devil is a parasite The earth is a parasite The man is a parasite Nature is a parasite The sun is a parasite The moon is a parasite The universe is a parasite Creation did not begin a parasite. It began as the life giver to all parasites it creates in hopes that one of it's creations will love creation more than the life creation has given it. Did you here what I did not say.

What's my name?

- a year ago  

For anybody that is a flat earth nut job here is an easy way to prove to themselves that earth is not flat. Go to the beach with your binoculars, telescope, high powered camera point it to the horizon and watch the ships come in. First you will see the mast, then the mast and deck and as it finally breaches the horizon then you will see the entire ship. Case closed. Now you wont be such a complete dumb ass. #truestory #cantfixstoopid #amalwaysright


- a year ago  

Why call people names because they notice things others don't? We're you bullied or didn't you get much attention as a child. Try to get out more you will feel better, you might even make some friends. Now wouldn't that be nice, #wereyoubullied #keyboardwarrior #iminmummysbasment #ineedattention


- a year ago  

The Nikon P900 and P1000 cameras have debunked that little "fact" of yours. While at a beach in Northern Ireland one can clearly see Scotland, a hundred and twenty miles away, how does that work on a globe? Why are they arguing the earth may be more of a pear shape, according to de grasse Tyson, even after they showed us all their "photographs" for years... You can clearly see the strings on the moon footage, NASA invented blue screen and chi, not Hollywood...and none of these things ever struck you as odd or questionable?