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Pfizer & Moderna Shots Under Microscope Show Self-assembling Nanotech

  - 12:48

Subsequent to American researchers microscopic images of MODERNA, German researchers have provided to the public MICROSCOPE IMAGES of the PFIZER Vaccine illustrating what happens when they reach an operating temperature (and fluids in the body). These studies support the earlier HYDROGEL / Graphene Oxide reports from Slovakia. SUBSCRIBE! "In corroboration of the Moderna vaccine findings under a microscope reported by American medical researchers here, a video with German subtitles exposing drops of the Pfizer vaccine under a microscope has surfaced online, posted at several channels on Telegram and at Youtube on August 10, 2021, showing an astounding congregation of tiny specks of luminous particulate matter moving and forming networks with each other, then bursting forth into networks of crystallizing and branching antenna-like structures." Source: These crystal formations look remarkably like the crystalline networks forming in saliva after vaccination, as reported in the Slovakia report visually analyzing what is on the nasal swabs used in the invasive PCR tests, and showing hydrogel effects in saliva. The hydrogel surmised to be on the masks and swabs display on microscopy or magnification mobile nanotubes or filaments laced with Graphene Oxide, it would appear, accounting for the formation of patterned antenna-like networks. Pfizer whistleblower Karen Kingston has revealed that PEGylated Lipids forming the lipid shell biosphere encasing the mRNA particles of the COVID vaccines contain Graphene Oxide. Several scientific papers including this one show that Graphene Oxide is being used in gene therapy as a scaffold or platform for the delivery of biomolecules such as mRNA into cells by way of its high electrical conductivity and ability to permeate cell membranes.






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